« Last post by alCoPaUL on June 09, 2024, 05:19:43 PM »
Use JWasm coz it has a directive called option DllExport <'insert name of the dll'> and you won't need using .lib files (and i assume that is your reason why you bluntly asked about not using externs) when making the .exe..
or maybe some assembler (NASM/TASM/MASM/whateverASM) has a funky way of putting whatever in the source code and it won't need cross linking to the library on the commandline or in the source code itself ("includelib\whatever.lib")
coz once you found out a way of not using a .lib file, your source code could literally be able to do just about anything as if it is assembled and linked..
i saw some reference to DLLIMPORT with NASM and GoLink and i saw that you still need the .dll files for linking.. for JWasm, i just skimmed the source code snippet containing the DLLIMPORT option in the author's GitHub and didn't check if its accompanied linker still needs to refer to the .dll files @ commandline or source..
what i'm getting at is the source code already has everything about the references to the DLL functions without needing to do symbolic link any external files like .libs and .dlls and you just go do a "link whatever.obj /subsystem:console /entry:meme" without any more switches..