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Programming with NASM / Re: Printing of floating point values
« Last post by andyz74 on November 14, 2023, 07:15:45 PM »
Many thanks, I corrected my code now, and it does, what I want. :-)
Programming with NASM / Re: Printing of floating point values
« Last post by fredericopissarra on November 10, 2023, 11:38:54 AM »
Does anyone see, what is my failure, please?
Yep... Will be 0...

Let's take a look at 12.34 in bynary:
Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

int main( void )
  double d = 12.34;
  uint64_t *p = (uint64_t *)&d;

  printf( "%#" PRIx64 "\n", *p );
So, compiling, linking and running:
Code: [Select]
$ cc -O2 -o test test.c
$ ./test
A floating point value is encoded as described here:
So, 100 (integer) is a double encoded as ~4.94066e-322 (almost 0). What you meant do to is:
Code: [Select]
; Input xmm0
; Ouput rax
  mulsd xmm0,[.m100]
  cvttsd2si rax,xmm0
  dq  100.0         ; ".0" is necessary here.

PS: Try to avoid using "memory" variables since you have 16 integer registers and 16 xmm registers available.
PS2: This kind of code works only if the floating point value is in 'integer' range. But notice that a single precision floating point value has a range way larger than that. Take a look at this paper:
Programming with NASM / Re: Printing of floating point values
« Last post by andyz74 on November 09, 2023, 04:58:44 PM »
OK, so I read a lot, and I try a lot, but unfortunately without much success.  I would be very pleased, if someone could help me further here.

I give a float variable "para_f" with the value 12.34

Then I get the integer part with

Code: [Select]
cvttsd2si rdx, [para_f]     ;   rdx ist jetzt ganzzahlteil

...and  with my own print-routine, I can print out the integer part 12.

Then I have a second part, where I try to multiply the "para_f" by 100 and afterwards print out, but I get a "0"

Code: [Select]
movsd xmm0, [para_f] ; single-prec-float nach xmm0
mov dword [varq], 100            ; 100 nach varq und dann nach xmm1
movsd xmm1, [varq]
mulsd xmm0, xmm1   
movsd [varq], xmm0         ;
cvttsd2si rdx, [varq]

I see in debugger, that xmm0 is at last point 4d2 hexadecimal, what is 1234 in decimal.  This is correct.
But then I get output zero, with my print-routine.

Does anyone see, what is my failure, please?
Example Code / Re: A little program to seek and write primes, with hardcoded maximum
« Last post by andyz74 on November 09, 2023, 01:37:37 PM »
This one does the same, but sets up an array for the primes, which can be used to divide thru. So, only the necessary divisions will be made, what saves time.

Code: [Select]
; 64-bit  ... gibt Primzahlen aus
; by myself
; nasm -f elf64 primzahlen05.asm
; ld -s -o primzahlen05 primzahlen05.o
; time :   0,303 sec (Optimierung : prüft nur von 1 bis Wurzel(zu überprüfende Zahl)
; nur noch durch primzahlen teilen, daher array einführen...
; Notiz : Wurzel ab 04 mit FPU, vllt besser...

[bits 64]

; here just variables ---------------------------------------


para_b db 0
para_w dq 0
primzahl_boolean db 0
ziffer db 0
zahl dd 0
crlf db 13,10

section .bss
      res :  resq 1     ;reserve 1 quad word for result
 p_array  :  resq 18000
 p_index  :  resq 1
global _start ; global entry point export for ld


jmp start2

zeige_tabelle: ; wenn Primzahl, dann im Array abspeichern ...
push rax ; ... wir machen naemlich eine Liste.
push rsi
mov rsi, 0
inc rsi
mov rax, 0
call print_dez
mov rax, qword [p_array+rsi*8]
call print_dez
cmp rsi, qword [p_index]
jle again
call zeilensprung
pop rsi
pop rax

add_array: ; wenn Primzahl, dann im Array abspeichern ...
push rax ; ... wir machen naemlich eine Liste.
cmp rsi, 11
jbe toosmallfortable
mov rax, qword [p_index] 
inc rax ; Max-Index der Liste erhöhen
mov qword [p_index], rax
mov qword [p_array+rax*8], rsi ; und am Array-Ende die neue Primzahl anheften. RSI
pop rax

get_wu: ; berechnet die Wurzel der zu untersuchenden Zahl,
fild qword [para_w] ; um nicht unnötig viele Tests zu haben.
fisttp qword [res]
mov rbx, [res]
inc rbx

push rax
mov rax, 0
inc rax
cmp qword [p_array+rax*8], rbx
jl index_erhoehen
mov r15, rax
pop rax

push rax
push rdx
push rsi
push rdi
mov byte [primzahl_boolean], 0 ; just a boolean-Variable... "ist nicht prim"
mov rax, [para_w] ; the number to check
mov rsi, [para_w] ; the number to check
call get_wu ; bringt in rbx die Wurzel von para_w+1
call get_index_of_array ; bringt in r15 den Index im Array, von welchem aus runterwärts verglichen werden muss
mov rdi, qword [p_array+r15*8]
mov rax, rsi
dec r15
cmp r15,0 ; war zuerst 1   
je ende
xor rdx, rdx
div rdi ; teilt rax / rdi
cmp rdx,0
jnz nochmal ; solange noch prim, nach oben, weiter testen
mov byte [primzahl_boolean], 1
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rdx
pop rax

push rax
push rbx
push rcx
push rdx
push rsi
push rdi
mov rax, 4
mov rbx, 1
mov rcx, crlf
mov rdx, 2
int 128
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
pop rax

push rax
push rbx
push rcx
push rdx

;mov rax, [para_w]
xor rcx,rcx
mov rbx,10

xor rdx,rdx
div rbx
push rdx
inc rcx
cmp rax,0

jnz schl1

pop rdx
add dl,30h
mov [ziffer],dl
push rcx
mov rax, 4
mov rbx, 1
mov rcx, ziffer
mov rdx, 1
int 128
pop rcx
loop schl2

pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
pop rax

start2:   ; here starts the proggi

mov rcx,3   ; Number to start. hardcoded.

mov rax, 1
mov qword [rax*8+p_array], 2

mov rax, 2
mov qword [rax*8+p_array], 2

mov rax, 3
mov qword [rax*8+p_array], 3

mov rax, 4
mov qword [rax*8+p_array], 5

mov rax, 5
mov qword [rax*8+p_array], 7

mov rax, 6
mov qword [rax*8+p_array], 11
mov qword [p_index], rax

mov [para_w], rcx
call check_prim

cmp byte [primzahl_boolean], 1     ; Prime ?
je no_prime
mov rsi, [para_w]
call add_array
mov rax, [para_w]
call print_dez

call zeilensprung

;call zeige_tabelle     ; zum debuggen

no_prime:       ; no prime !
add rcx, 2
cmp rcx,200001 ; eigentlich 200001
jbe increase_further

mov rax,1
int 128

Programming with NASM / Re: Printing of floating point values
« Last post by andyz74 on October 26, 2023, 07:12:13 PM »
You can separate the integer part from the fractional part with cvttss2si or cvttsd2si, and subtract the original values to get the fractional part (remember to obtain the absolute values). Then, for integer part, you can obtain the # of decimal algarisms using log10, and divide the integer value by 10, in sequence, util you get a zero quotient - getting the actual algarisms... For the fractional part, you just need to multiply them by 10 (until get 0.0 or the # of algarisms you want).

There are faster ways...

Ah, many thanks, this is a good way to start! :-)
Programming with NASM / Re: Printing of floating point values
« Last post by fredericopissarra on October 26, 2023, 06:21:19 PM »
You can separate the integer part from the fractional part with cvttss2si or cvttsd2si, and subtract the original values to get the fractional part (remember to obtain the absolute values). Then, for integer part, you can obtain the # of decimal algarisms using log10, and divide the integer value by 10, in sequence, util you get a zero quotient - getting the actual algarisms... For the fractional part, you just need to multiply them by 10 (until get 0.0 or the # of algarisms you want).

There are faster ways...
Programming with NASM / Re: Printing of floating point values
« Last post by andyz74 on October 26, 2023, 05:22:32 PM »
Hello Frank, and thanks for the welcome-wishes! :-)

As I think all over it, i just need the printf for "seeing" my values. In fact I do not really need this written out. 
But the printf-function seems to be cabaple of interpreting and displaying the packed BCD-Values.

For example I wrote a piece of code, which calculates different squareroots, which are at least partly even, without floating point. These are moved to registers, where I want to see them with a debugger.  Nevertheless, I can't see my values in the register; I assume, they are BCD-packed, which I assume, printf could write them OR I find another solution. (For unpacking the packed BCD ?)

Code: [Select]
; calculates square root

; nasm -f elf64 fpu_sq_root.asm
; ld -s -o fpu_sq_root fpu_sq_root.o

[bits 64]

global _start
section .data
    _msg  db '                ',0ah
    len_msg equ $-_msg
    val1: dq 16  ;declare quad word (double precision)
    val2: dq 9  ;declare quad word (double precision)
    val3: dq 4  ;declare quad word (double precision)
    val4: dq 1  ;declare quad word (double precision)
    val5: dq 0  ;declare quad word (double precision)
    val6: dq 0.25  ;declare quad word (double precision)
    val7: dq 2.25  ;declare quad word (double precision)
    val8: dq 6.25  ;declare quad word (double precision)
    val9: dq 12.25  ;declare quad word (double precision)
section .bss
    res: resq 1     ;reserve 1 quad word for result
section .text
    fld qword [val1] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]

    fld qword [val2] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]

    fld qword [val3] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]

    fld qword [val4] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]

    fld qword [val5] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]

    fld qword [val6] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]
    fld qword [val7] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]
    fld qword [val8] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]
    fld qword [val9] ;load value into st0
    fsqrt           ;compute square root of st0 and store in st0
    fst qword [res] ;store st0 in result
    mov rbx, [res]

mov rax,1
int 80h
    ;end program

=> Squareroots of the val's are computed and one after each stored in RBX.
If I debug the program with radare2, I see senseless numbers in RBX.
Are they packed BCD? If yes, how to unpack ?

Greetz and thanks, Andy

PS : the many "nop" are for me to be able to get orientation while debugging...
Programming with NASM / Re: Printing of floating point values
« Last post by Frank Kotler on October 26, 2023, 02:34:58 AM »
Hi Andy,
Welcome to the forum!

I think there should be a way to get gcc to do what you want. Not really a "Nasm question" but you need to know the answer ! , You can print floats without the C library, too but it may not be the best use of your time.

I hope someone can cone up with the right command line to gcc. 


Example Code / A little program to seek and write primes, with hardcoded maximum
« Last post by andyz74 on October 24, 2023, 09:25:27 PM »
Hi there !

Nothing special here, but I thought, maybe somebody is interested in such stuff.
A little program, which seeks and prints out primes until a maximum number (hardcoded in source).

Please don't blame me for parts of documentation is in german; I am not that good in english to translate all correct. ;-)

Done in Debian Linux, 64 bit.

Code: [Select]

; 64-bit  ... gibt Primzahlen aus
; by myself
; nasm -f elf64 primzahlen03.asm
; ld -s -o primzahlen03 primzahlen03.o
; time : 0,15 sec   (Optimierung : prüft nur von 1 bis Wurzel(zu überprüfende Zahl)
; Notiz : Wurzel nicht sehr schnell berechnet.

[bits 64]

; here just variables ---------------------------------------


para_b db 0
para_w dq 0
primzahl_boolean db 0
ziffer db 0
zahl dd 0
crlf db 13,10

global _start ; global entry point export for ld


jmp start2

get_wu: ; seeks iterative for squareroot of testing number...
; could be made way better, if I knew how...

push rax
push rdi
mov rax, [para_w]
mov rdi, rax ; rdi holds number
mov ebx, 0
inc ebx
mov eax, ebx
mul eax
cmp rdi, rax ; rechnet : zahl - (eax * eax) // solange größer 0, Wurzel noch nicht erreicht.
jns  nochzuklein
pop rdi
pop rax

push rax
push rdx
push rsi
push rdi
mov byte [primzahl_boolean], 0 ; just a boolean-Variable...
mov rsi, [para_w] ; the number to check
call get_wu
mov rdi, rbx
mov rax,rsi
dec rdi
cmp rdi,1     
je ende
xor rdx, rdx
div rdi
cmp rdx,0
jnz nochmal
mov byte [primzahl_boolean], 1
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rdx
pop rax

push rax
push rbx
push rcx
push rdx
push rsi
push rdi
mov rax, 4
mov rbx, 1
mov rcx, crlf
mov rdx, 2
int 128
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
pop rax

push rax
push rbx
push rcx
push rdx
push rsi
push rdi
mov rax, [para_w]
xor rcx,rcx
mov rbx,10

xor rdx,rdx
div rbx
push rdx
inc rcx
cmp rax,0

jnz schl1

pop rdx
add dl,30h
mov [ziffer],dl
push rcx
mov rax, 4
mov rbx, 1
mov rcx, ziffer
mov rdx, 1
int 128
pop rcx
loop schl2

pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
pop rax

start2:   ; here starts the proggi

mov rcx,200001   ; Number to start. hardcoded.

mov [para_w], rcx
call check_prim

cmp byte [primzahl_boolean], 1     ; Prime ?
je no_prime

; mov [para_w], rcx
call print_dez

call zeilensprung

no_prime:       ; no prime !
sub rcx, 2
cmp rcx,1
jnz decrease_further

mov rax,1
int 128

Programming with NASM / Printing of floating point values
« Last post by andyz74 on October 24, 2023, 03:08:48 PM »
Hello people,

my question is, is there any (convenient) possibility to print floating point values, DESPITE printf() ?
I have problem with printf, because using gcc as linker, what I have to do in this case, produces alway error saying the "no-PIE"-stuff.  Do I really have to recompile GCC with the -np-PIE flag to work for me, or is there another possibility to print-out floating point-values?

My system is Debian 12, 64 bit.

Greetings, Andy
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