Hi, this is my first post. :D
I want to create an application like the following URL.
It is only consist of 2 Forms.
[Form 1]
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VQho2pIYIIU/VbGE_7DO39I/AAAAAAAABJc/sBaE8VQxRkI/s320/11751764_1649519458594525_7946751202638879349_n.jpg[Form 2]
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-a7A9ckX4Tng/VbGFGRkWjkI/AAAAAAAABJk/TLg6L-tHgBs/s320/11753645_1649519448594526_2657598280823376968_n.jpgIn Form 1, if we click Simpan' button, it will do the following:
1. Do NoDokumen' data checking.
> if NoDokumen' data already available in file (at server), stop process.
> if NoDokumen' data not available in file (at server), continue to the following process.
2. calculate a value (a value of HargaPerUnit multiply by a value of JumlahPembelian)
and then show its result for Jumlah' column of each filled row.
3. save as new data to file (at server) and then stop process.
In Form 2, all data in file (at server) will be showed on available ComboBox.
User only choose what NoDokumen from that ComboBox to be printed out on server.
* NOTE: File can be at Floppy, CD, Hardisk, or USB. File located at computer server.
I already create the Form using int10h (in NASM Real Mode 16-bit), but I can't create the scrollbar.
I want to know:
> how to scroll it down (for example, until no 10) and scroll it up (until no 1).
> how to create, write/read, print file like above description. (using int13h) => I know Cylinder, Head, Track, and Sector (Entries).
But I don't know how to code it like above description. :(
I also want to create it in NASM Protected Mode 32-bit.
> The problem is same like NASM Real Mode 16-bit.
I only can create the Form using "rep stosd". :(
I think I put this advertisement at the right place, right? :D
I hope someone can help me.
Sorry for my lack of english. 8)