Author Topic: Nasm Error !! Please help me  (Read 15460 times)

Offline HalER

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Nasm Error !! Please help me
« on: August 27, 2015, 09:18:27 PM »

i am a new user to unix and assembly.. How can resolve this problem..thank you

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Nasm Error !! Please help me
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2015, 11:54:18 PM »
Hi HalER,

I will try to help you, but I may be too obsolete. I have been running Linux for a while, and dabbling with assembly language for a little longer than that. However, I'm running really old hardware which doesn't have enough memory to run modern Linux. Things have changed a lot, but maybe the old-fashioned ways will still work.


by default, this goes in my home directory, /home/fbk. May want to go in "/Downloads" for you. I uncompress it right there. You may want to put it someplace else.

tar jxf nasm-2.09.rc1.tar.bz2

(if you're new to Unix, you will be pleased to learn that you can type just part of this and hit the TAB key and it will complete the line) Then:

cd nasm-2.11.09rc1

that should put you in the top source directory - type "ls" to be sure. Then


that'll ramble on a while and create the proper Makefile - hope it doesn't get any errors! Then... what I usually do is type "make everything" just as a regular user, but you have to be root to install it, so I do "su" at this point (I dont use "sudo" on my old system.

sudo make install_everything

should do it all in one go. Hmmm, that's giving me a bunch of errors. Just go with "sudo make install" I guess. You may be better off to back up to nasm-2.11.08 - it has a known bug with "-f macho64" but is okay otherwise (AFAIK). At this point, typing "nasm -v" should tell you the version and compilation date, if all goes well. You should be ready to start assembling. Got some suitable source? If you have trouble, come back and we'll try again.


Offline HalER

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Re: Nasm Error !! Please help me
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2015, 07:02:52 AM »
my friend i did all that you said.

but "sudo make install_everything" finally

 again error in that;

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Nasm Error !! Please help me
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2015, 01:17:18 PM »
Yeah, I was getting those "line longer than 68 characters" errors, too.  I think you'll find that Nasm itself works okay, but some of the formats for the documentation may be screwed up. Besides Nasm itself we make documentation in plain text, html, ps, pdf, info... maybe some other formats too. Unless some documentation format that you're actually using is messed up, it shouldn't bother you. If it does... we can go through "nasmdoc.src" and break the offfending lines... or it might be easier to uncompress one of the "xdoc" files from the download page. Try it and see if it's a problem.


Offline HalER

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Re: Nasm Error !! Please help me
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2015, 06:30:39 PM »
dear my friend problem is continue  :(

and i see another errors.. so

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Nasm Error !! Please help me
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2015, 07:26:56 PM »
Well I don't know what those errors are without seeing the files in question. Can you show us line 16, at least? (funny it's the same line in both files...)


Offline HalER

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Re: Nasm Error !! Please help me
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2015, 10:28:48 AM »
My friend thank you. I do not know. But now nasm works.