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Programming with NASM / Re: blsi
« Last post by Frank Kotler on September 26, 2023, 10:57:25 PM »
I wonder how suncowiam is making out with it?


Programming with NASM / Re: blsi
« Last post by fredericopissarra on September 26, 2023, 07:02:28 PM »
I believe BLSI instruction was introduced in Haswell microarchitecture. It is from BMI1 instruction set (VEX prefix) - so it is listed in Intel SDM. Of course old NASM versions don't have support for it.
Programming with NASM / Re: blsi
« Last post by Frank Kotler on September 23, 2023, 04:18:53 AM »
I dunno. I had a pretty good grasp of 8086/8088 code at one time. Newer code not so much. IIdid  didn't know blsi, but rather than post, "I dunno' I decided to fool with it and came up with that. 64 bit regs apparently DON'T work.

I dunno,

Programming with NASM / Re: blsi
« Last post by debs3759 on September 23, 2023, 01:53:08 AM »
Code: [Select]
bits 64
blsi eax, ebx
...seems to work...
Hi Debs...?


Ah, the linked version of the manual is version 2.10.04, so maybe the instructions were added since then. I haven't looked at programming manuals for quite some time, and most code I've written will run of a 386 or 486. I really need to do some more coding, and learn how to use more than basic x86 instructions :)
Programming with NASM / Re: blsi
« Last post by Frank Kotler on September 22, 2023, 11:10:02 PM »
I should mention version!


Programming with NASM / Re: blsi
« Last post by Frank Kotler on September 22, 2023, 10:56:54 PM »
Code: [Select]
bits 64
blsi eax, ebx
...seems to work...
Hi Debs...?


Programming with NASM / Re: blsi
« Last post by debs3759 on September 22, 2023, 10:54:00 PM »

I see BLSI listed in the following document:

However, when I try to compile an asm file with blsi op, I get the following:
blsi.asm:15: error: parser: instruction expected

The line:
    blsi rax, rbx

Am I missing something or nasm doesn't support this instruction?


It's listed as a future opcode, so isn't supported yet. I don't know which processor family supports (or will support) it, so you may need to wait a while for someone to add the BM11 and BM12 instruction sets.
Programming with NASM / blsi
« Last post by suncowiam on September 22, 2023, 09:52:01 PM »

I see BLSI listed in the following document:

However, when I try to compile an asm file with blsi op, I get the following:
blsi.asm:15: error: parser: instruction expected

The line:
    blsi rax, rbx

Am I missing something or nasm doesn't support this instruction?

NASMX / Re: Announcing NASM-X v1.4
« Last post by Frank Kotler on August 15, 2023, 08:53:09 AM »
Unlikely to work on another cpu. Nothing to lose but your time trying.


NASMX / Re: Announcing NASM-X v1.4
« Last post by ben321 on August 15, 2023, 07:50:00 AM »
Interesting project, is it possible to use macros with NASM to write assembly code for any architecture? For example, in SNES assembly, there's not the 8 main registers found in an Intel chip. There's only 3 main registers, and they are called A, X, and Y. Is it possible to "teach" NASM, using macros to recognize other registers for other system architectures? Or are its hardcoded Intel register names the only register names that can be used in NASM? How extensible is NASM in terms of using macros to define assembly code for other architectures?
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