Hello all,
I'm having trouble linking the following code:
SECTION .data ; Section containing initialised data
WordString: dw 'CQ'
DoubleString: dd 'Stop'
SECTION .bss ; Section containing uninitialized data
SECTION .text ; Section containing code
global _start ; Linker needs this to find the entry point!
nop ; This no-op keeps gdb happy...
mov ax, WordString
mov edx, DoubleString
mov eax, 1 ; Code for Exit Syscall
mov ebx, 0 ; Return a code of zero
int 80H ; Make kernel call
The error that I get when trying to link follows:
nasm -f elf -g -F stabs sandbox.asm -l sandbox.lst
ld -o sandbox sandbox.o
sandbox.o:sandbox.asm:19: relocation truncated to fit: R_386_16 against `.data'
make: *** [sandbox] Error 1
I'm running this in Ubuntu 10.10 32bit.
Any input would be highly appreciated it.
I'm trying to learn assembly and the reason why this does not work is really bothering me.