Im Smaldona and I am searching somebody can help me about nasm..
i got a problem, i did a sudoku's generator and i don know how can i call the sudoku's program from other program..
what i wanna do is like do other code (program) who calls the sudokus program for 100 times, and i have this part of other code,,
the sudokus code is ready,
my question is :
how can i call or invoc a code from other code..
jmm... and excuse me for the grammar , im learning english at this moment....
extern printf
extern sudoku
section .data
%macro setup_stack_frame 0
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
%macro destroy_stack_frame 0
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
section .bss
section .text
global main:
call sudoku