Well... not directly (that I know of). Unix tends to tell you the time in seconds since the "dawn of time" - 1/1/70. To extract a month from that, you'll need to divide by 60 a couple of times, then by 24, then by 365. Figure out how many leapyears in that, and whether "this" is a leapyear. You'll need a table of days in the months, in which February is adjusted to 29 if it's a leapyear. If you want a name, not just a number, you'll need a table of month names, too.
Here (if I can figure out how to attach a file) is an example that spits out a string similar to C. (a "challenge" suggested by Ed Beroset, IIRC). I used three-letter names for the months (and day-of-week). This requires multiplying the index by three... and adding a space after. It would have been smarter to put the spaces in the table, multiply the index by four, and have the space, too (I think).
(I don't think this is a "homework question". If it is, and you turn this in as your own work, you will almost surely get busted. Plus, you won't learn anything!)
Questions and/or critiques welcome.