Nasm.exe will produce ELF linkable object files, regardless of what OS it's running on. Alink.exe, however, has *no* idea how to make a shared object out of it. You're SOL on that score. Fergeddiit!
It "should" be possible to compile ld to run under Windows as a "cross linker". Good luck, even if you use gcc... "should" be possible even with whatever non-gcc compiler you're using... says right in the glossy brochure that C is portable, right?
I sympathize with your position. *I* can't (won't, I should say) test anything on Windows. However, as it happens, I've got more versions of ld than you can shake a stick at. I've seen an example of a "simple" shared library. I seem to recall that the command line to ld involves "--shared". We've gotta move our gem to some directory mentioned in /etc/ldconf and then do ldconfig to "activate" it.
However, there's more to it than that. Unless I'm mistaken, the difference between a PE and a .dll is that the latter has a relocation section. An .so, AFAIK, does not have a relocation section and must be position independent code. "GOT" and friends are supposed to assist in this... I'm afraid I don't "get" how to use 'em...
If you had a friend who was running Linux, say fbkotler at or at you might be able to get him to run your code past ld and report back what the error message was, at least...
(incidentally, "segment" and "section" are exact aliases to Nasm. There are differences - *big* differences - between Windows and Linux, but this ain't one of 'em)
P.S. You can use a "live CD" to test stuff under Linux, without having to "install" it...