Like the title says. From the opcode table:
Jcc imm|near \322\1\x0F\330\x80\64 386
Jcc imm16|near \320\1\x0F\330\x80\64 386
Jcc imm32|near \321\1\x0F\330\x80\64 386
Jcc imm|short \330\x70\50 8086,ND
Jcc imm \370\330\x70\50 8086,ND
Jcc imm \1\x0F\330\x80\64 386,ND
Jcc imm \330\x71\373\1\xE9\64 8086,ND
Jcc imm \330\x70\50 8086
Specifically, the section \330\x71\373\1\xE9\64. Doesn't seem to make any sense, can't find it in the intel manual. Is it a bug?
.......Also, mov rax, cr0 assembles without an error in 32bit mode