Hi everyone:
If I type in fom the command line the following two lines, all is well:
nasm -f win32 --prefix _ -o hw.obj hw.asm
gcc -o hw.exe hw.obj
The code assembles, links, and runs.
if i put the two lines into a makefile thusly
hw.exe : hw.obj
gcc -o hw.exe hw.obj
hw.obj : hw.asm
nasm -f win32 --prefix _ -o hw.obj hw.asm
make.exe fails in the ld. The message back says: ld:cannot find -lgcc.
Now, interpret this to mean that make is telling me that it can't find some gcc file in a library.
!. What is the correct code for the gcc step in the makefile? 2. Why does everything work fine from the command line, and then fould up in the makefile.
Mark Allyn