Hi evilmaniac,
How evil are ya? :)
I pretended "ARGV1" was named "ARGV0", actually... And put an "ARGV1" label on the "--help" string. The array you want in ecx wants to be the addresses of the "filename"(argv[0]) and command line parameter(s) string(s) - zero-terminated - not the strings themselves. This rather sloppy modification of your code seems to work:
section .data
ARGV0: db "/usr/bin/wget",0
ARGV1 db "--help",0
shell: db "/usr/bin/wget",0
dd 0
dd 0
argarray dd ARGV0, ARGV1, 0
section .text
global _start
mov ebx, shell ; move address of shell into ebx
mov ecx, argarray
xor edx, edx ; ignore environment for now
mov eax,11 ; eax = 0xBh // execve
int 80h ; kernel call
mov eax,1 ; eax = 0x1h // exit
mov ebx,0 ; no error
int 80h ; kernel call
We probably could/should do better with envp - point edx at the "real" environment or provide a "fake" one in the same form as the "args" array. Simply passing zero seems to work, but probably isn't "right". To really be a "shell", we should be execveing "bash" or so, passing it "wget" and its parameters, no? This would allow bash to expand wildcards in filenames, etc. (I think). I suspect the "exit" is redundant - I don't think execve returns. If we want to continue after running it, I think we need to "fork" and do the execve in the child. It's spitting up wget's "help" now, anyway.