Hello and good evening!
I've done a little experimenting in doing easy graphic-stuff by writing direct to framebuffer /dev/fb0 (Debian Linux 64bit here)
Mainly in Free Pascal, before testing in Assembly.
While getting lots of garbage as output I also tested code, where I think it HAS to be good and HAS to work, I also got garbage.
https://github.com/xmdi/SCHIZONE/tree/main/ex/ex020_framebuffer )
If I test it on my Laptop (also Debian), it works, but not here on my beloved Desktopcomputer.
Now to my questions :
1) Is there anything I have to configure on my framebuffer in my Linux, and
2) Is it worth the time, or should I better invest time in SDL2 for doing graphics stuff?
Greetz, Andy