There are at least two you can use :
polink.exe and golink.exe
This address a link for each program under the Sources heading.
Be aware that the Pelles is a 6 or 7 meg file from which you need
to extract only the linker (polink.exe).
The following commands should work for you using
NASM and Pelles POLINK. The entries after LIBPATH will
need to be modified for your own directory structure.
Of course you might need to add the names of additional .lib files to the string.
nasm -f win32 winprog.asm -o winprog.obj
polink.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:main /LIBPATH:\nasm32\bin\lib\win32 winprog.obj kernel32.lib user32.lib
If you use polink, the .asm file will need a statement similar to
entry winprog
at the start of the .TEXT section.
And for NASM and GOLINK :
nasm -f win32 winprog.asm -o winprog.obj
golink.exe /entry:start winprog.obj kernel32.dll user32.dll
If you use golink, the .asm file will need a statement similar to
at the start of the .TEXT section.
Notice that golink accesses the .DLL files directly with no need
for a LIBPATH. It uses the PATH variable on your machine to find the location.
On my machine it's C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32.
The above website has a number of small windows programs
under the Sample Code link and each one has it's own batch files.
All were written in NASM 0.98.39.