Just an info for you all...
MacOS is derived from FreeBSD and its syscalls follows the SysV ABI for i386 with extensions and a minor difference for x86-64: Instead of changing RCX by R10, MacOS uses RCX... and, again, yep... i386 table is used in x86-64 mode, so sys_exit is 1 and sys_write is 4.
I don't have a MacOS machine to test this, by this 'hello.asm' should work on MacOS in x86-64 mode:
bits 64
default rel ; program need to be PIE.
section .rodata
msg: db `Hello\n`
msg_len equ $ - msg
section .text
global _start
align 4
mov eax,4 ; sys_write (must be 1 on Linux)
mov edi,1 ; stdout
lea rsi,[msg]
mov edx,msg_len
mov eax,1 ; sys_exit (must be 60 on Linux)
xor edi,edi
For i386 mode int 0x80 is used the same way as in Linux...
Reading some material I found that maybe the sections could be renamed to __text and __rodata. But I don't know where to find the official MacOS Reference to confirm.