I realize that the NASM download is just the binary executable assembler and disassembler, but where do I find additional resources such as C libraries and include files? I just don't understand how to generate standalone, statically-linked programs with NASM. For example:
extern _printf
segment .data
num dd 43
fmt db 'num = %d', 10, 0
segment .code
start: push num
push fmt
call _printf
add esp, 8
What do I link with to use _printf? Where do I find it? I have MS Visual C++ 2008 installed, so I tried linking with its C static-link library (libcmt.lib), but that didn't work. I was able to find a WIN32N.INC and win32.lib from somewhere, and have been able to create message boxes using those, but unfortunately that didn't help me understand much... I'm not even sure exactly what question to ask, and I think it's because I'm so lost. Help?