Author Topic: Stress test a solid state disk  (Read 8139 times)


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Stress test a solid state disk
« on: May 02, 2008, 06:32:45 AM »
Hi, I am just trying to learn ASM today, sorry if what I ask is a bit stupid! I have a soldi state HDD I need to stress test. I want to write a boot sector to a FDD, that will write all 1's to the first sector of the first HDD, and then write all 0's, and do it over and over, and display a count on screen of how many time it has done it so far (a read/verify in the middle would be good too). I am finding it all a bit alien atm though. So far I have writing of some txt (kind of) working:

[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7c00]

mov ah, 02h ;Set to 1,1
   mov dh, 1
   mov dl, 1
   Int 10h

mov ah, 0eh ; Print S
   xor bl, bl
   mov al, 'S'
   Int 10h
   mov ah, 0eh ; Print T
   xor bl, bl
   mov al, 'T'
   Int 10h
   mov ah, 0eh ; Print A
   xor bl, bl
   mov al, 'A'
   Int 10h
   mov ah, 0eh ; Print R
   xor bl, bl
   mov al, 'R'
   Int 10h
   mov ah, 0eh ; Print T
   xor bl, bl
   mov al, 'T'
   Int 10h


mov ah, 03h ;Write mode
   mov al, 1  ; write 1 sector (512 bytes).
   mov cl, 1  ; sector
   mov ch, 0  ; cylinder
   mov dh, 0  ; head
   mov dl, 80h ; first HDD
   mov bx, wdata
   mov es, [wdata]
   Int 13h
   jmp loop
TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0
    DW 0xAA55

Can anyone give me any advice? thanks!


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Re: Stress test a solid state disk
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2008, 08:09:54 PM »
> Can anyone give me any advice?

1. Optimize your text write routine

2. "mov es, [wdata]" ???

3. FASM forum is full of bootsextors and INT $13 examples ;-)


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Re: Stress test a solid state disk
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2008, 07:48:45 AM »
I strongly advise you to abandon this project! No offense, but you don't know what you're doing, and I would advise you to learn before you attempt to write to a hard drive. As shown, your code will render any computer that runs it unbootable. Do some .com files, then learn to read from drives, then learn to write to a floppy, *then* try writing to a hard drive. You're gonna shoot yourself in the foot!



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Re: Stress test a solid state disk
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2008, 05:13:10 PM »
> You're gonna shoot yourself in the foot!

Maybe GoodVista prevents you from doing this ? :-)

> As shown, your code will render any computer that runs it unbootable

Just take a bootable DOS floppy or CD then ;-)

> I would advise you to learn before you attempt to write to a hard drive

Agree. Do you really understand how the 16-bit RM seg/off thingie works ? Your code suggests "NO" :-(