I'm trying glutBitmapString, but I'm doing something wrong to get the external symbol GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 (or any other gl font). Call opengl functions is pretty easy, with wrt ..plt sufix, but for glutBitMapString needs the font parameter, wich is the external symbol.
GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 is defined in freeglut.h as
# define GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 ((void *) &glutBitmapHelvetica18)
and glutBitmapHelvetica18 is defined as
extern void* glutBitmapHelvetica18;
To get glutBitmapHelvetica18 I tried:
extern glutBitmapHelvetica18
lea rdi, [rel glutBitmapHelvetica18 wrt ..gotpc]
But it gives a "font 0x00405ff8 not found"
What would be the right way to get this external symbol from freeglut?