Author Topic: Whatever happened to the feature for 2-byte character strings?  (Read 14711 times)

Offline ben321

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Whatever happened to the feature for 2-byte character strings?
« on: September 26, 2021, 10:14:53 PM »
I remember it used to be that 16bit unicode characters (aka wide characters) were supported in NASM when declaring a string in the following manner:
Code: [Select]
MyString: dw "This is a unicode string."Each character in the string was treated as a 2-byte character, with the first character being the 1-byte ASCII number for the character, and the second character being 0, which corresponds to all the keyboard-typeable characters (obviously it didn't support any special unicode characters like Japanese characters, as the 2nd byte for each 2-byte character was always 0). Whatever happened to that feature? Did it get removed? Or did it never exist (like am I having a "Mandela effect" type false memory here)? I fell absolutely CERTAIN it did exist, but I can't find any proof of this feature ever existing. Even downloading old versions of NASM from as far back as 2010 from the version repository at;O=D I can't find ANY versions that support the feature I'm describing, but I swear remember using this feature myself once.

Can anybody here tell me if this feature actually existed? Or am I just remembering something that never happened?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2021, 10:16:45 PM by ben321 »