Author Topic: Opcodes 0x83/1, 0x83/4 and 0x83/6 with CPU 286?  (Read 20331 times)

Offline ktx59

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Opcodes 0x83/1, 0x83/4 and 0x83/6 with CPU 286?
« on: May 23, 2021, 04:09:20 PM »
Dear all,
When I try to assemble code with NASM that contains an instruction like "and cx, 0x01", NASM consistently generates the following code, even when I use "CPU 286" or "CPU 8086":
Code: [Select]
83E101            and cx,byte +0x1 However, to my knowledge, opcodes 0x83/1 ("or r/m16, imm8") 0x83/4 ("and r/m16, imm8") and 0x83/6 ("xor r/m16, imm8") are documented only for 80386 and later processors. (I have checked scanned versions of the original Intel developers' manuals.) I have also checked other online references, according to, this instruction is only available on 80386+ (or at least, it does not mention that these are present but undocumented). Could somebody provide me some reliable reference on this? Or is this a bug in NASM?

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Re: Opcodes 0x83/1, 0x83/4 and 0x83/6 with CPU 286?
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2021, 02:31:48 AM »
That looks like a bug to me. Until it gets fixed, you could use

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Offline ktx59

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Re: Opcodes 0x83/1, 0x83/4 and 0x83/6 with CPU 286?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2021, 08:21:15 AM »
Thanks for the suggestion, but I have already tried this, makes no difference (it still generates 83E101). The only workaround I have found is db 0x81,0xE1,0x01,0x00.