Author Topic: Another new member  (Read 16294 times)

Offline Ferran

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Another new member
« on: August 19, 2020, 12:28:36 PM »
Hello everybody

My name is Ferran, I was born in Barcelone (Catalonia). I love the music of 70, 80 and 90 but also others. I enjoys the science-fiction, distopic books and films, conspirancies, etc. Surely for it i've a computer with GNU/Linux O.S. Currently I'm still a newbie programming code but i love it. I'm feel free. GNU/Linux is a god, The 4 freedoms are my gospel, and Richard Stallman is the prophet.

I would like to make a simply informatic language for my little tasks because I don't like C syntax languages and derivates. For this reason I need to learn assembly code made with NASM and C (ironic, i know) and after to change it to another pseudo-code that like myself.

I hope to learn a lot here with your help, maybe in future I can to help others.

This is one of my favourite songs of all the times (from Youtube):

I'll see you soon !