Author Topic: Input and Output  (Read 17313 times)

Offline gygzkunw

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Input and Output
« on: June 02, 2020, 04:01:00 PM »
Good day
I am trying to get the user to get the user to input a state so i can print it out. I am using nasm, linux, x86

section .bss ; you can change
     user_input: resb 256 ;256 byte of memory is reserved and can be accessed through the name user_input
     user_input_size equ $- user_input

section .data ;you cant change
    output: db "Enter your print statement: "
    output_size equ $- output

section .text ;assembly code
    global _start
    mov eax, 4
    mov ebx, 1
    mov ecx, output
    mov edx, output_size
    int 80

    mov eax, 3
    mov ebx, 0
    mov ecx, user_input
    mov edx, user_input_size
    int 80
    push ecx ; not sure about this
    push edx ; not sure about this

    mov eax, 4
    mov ebx, 0
    pop ecx
    pop edx
    int 80

   mov eax, 1
   mov ebx, 0
   int 80

I am unable to enter anything. I am using an online compiler and it is showing the following;

.code.tio.s:25: error: instruction not supported in 64-bit mode
.code.tio.s:26: error: instruction not supported in 64-bit mode
.code.tio.s:30: error: instruction not supported in 64-bit mode
.code.tio.s:31: error: instruction not supported in 64-bit mode
ld: cannot find .obj.tio: No such file or directory
/srv/wrappers/assembly-nasm: line 6: ./.bin.tio: No such file or directory

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Input and Output
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2020, 10:07:32 PM »
Hi  gygzkunw,

Welcome to the forum.

I'm a little confused. That's okay, I think you're a little confused, too (no offense intended).

I don't know what an "online compiler" is, but obviously it's trying to assemble 64-bit code. Pushing/ popping 32-bit registers won't work in 64-bit code...

Your code looks pretty good for 32-bit... except that you  want "int 80h" (or 0x80) not "int 80".

You want to tell nasm:
Code: [Select]
nasm -f elf32 myprog.asm
(or whatever you called it)
and tell ld:
Code: [Select]
ld -o myprog myprog.o -m elf_i386

Or... if your online compiler insists on 64-bit code... uhhh... your code might work without the push/pop - and int 80h. But 64-bit code might be better...

If it'll help... sys_read will return the number of bytes read in eax. Just put that in edx - ecx should still have the input buffer...

Let us know how it goes...


Offline gygzkunw

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Re: Input and Output
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2020, 06:57:37 PM »
Yeah i was confused i blame my hunger for that... I got the code to work

section .bss
   user_input resb 25    ; user input
   user_input_length equ $- user_input

section .text
    global _start
         mov  eax, 3 ; sys_read
         mov  ebx, 0 ; stdin
         mov  ecx, user_input ; user input
         mov  edx, user_input_length ; max length
         int  80h

         mov  eax, 4             ; sys_write
         mov  ebx, 1             ; stdout
         mov  ecx, user_input           ; buffer
         mov  edx, user_input_length          ; length
         int  80h

         mov    eax, 1
         mov    ebx, 0
         int    80h

I need some clarification

ex1: resb 1 -> reserves 1 byte
ex2: db 1 -> reserves a byte that contains 1
ex3: db "cool"  -> reserves 4 bytes and each byte contains a letter
ex4: db "cool", 1, 3 -> reserves 3 bytes?

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Input and Output
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2020, 08:06:09 PM »
ex4: db "cool", 1, 3 -> reserves 3 bytes?

 6 bytes. the 4 letters "cool", the byte 1, and the byte 3

db "cool", 13, 10 would be "cool " and a newline (carriage return and linefeed)

Glad you got your code working.


Offline gygzkunw

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Re: Input and Output
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2020, 09:00:37 PM »
Sweet thanx.

Offline gygzkunw

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Re: Input and Output
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2021, 07:59:02 PM »
ex4: db "cool", 1, 3 -> reserves 3 bytes?

 6 bytes. the 4 letters "cool", the byte 1, and the byte 3

db "cool", 13, 10 would be "cool " and a newline (carriage return and linefeed)

Glad you got your code working.


sorry I didn't think it make sense to start a new topic since my question is regarding the above.

I have am still reading Jeff programming in Linux and i have a question. He stated that appending any number to a string and the OS will read it as an ascii character. Hence
db "cool", 13, 10 would be "cool " and a newline (carriage return and linefeed)

what of if i just do

ex4: db 10, 13 -> will the OS read these number as ascii characters (carriage return and linefeed) or integers?

Offline gygzkunw

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Re: Input and Output
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2021, 08:34:26 PM »
ex4: db 10, 13 will be read as ASCII character. I did
ex4: db 49 and the character 1 was printed out