Author Topic: Problems with an OpenGL program  (Read 14215 times)

Offline landyS3

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Problems with an OpenGL program
« on: April 30, 2020, 06:33:01 PM »
Many years ago, in my 32-bit windows masm days, I managed to get a fullscreen OpenGl teapot rendered, and could zoom and rotate it using the mouse wheel and keys etc. It was all done in assembler only. But that was then. Now, having spent lots of time getting to know Linux Mint, Nasm and 64-bit assembly language programming, I wanted to get started again with OpenGL. The program below is supposed to simply open an OpenGL window and draw a triangle. It works perfectly in its C version built with gcc, but the assembly version doesn't work. It assembles with nasm without error or warning to a 3.2 kB object file triangle.o, and it links with gcc without error or warning to a 13.4 kB "unknown" file triangle. But when I try and run it using ./triangle I get loads of errors:
   ./triangle: Symbol `glClearColor' causes overflow in R_X86_64_PC32 relocation
   ...and the same for all the other function calls, then finally...
   Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Does anyone know (and can explain to me) what the problem is? I'm guessing it's something to do with the build process, but to be honest I'm at my wits end. I love assembly language, especially nasm, and it would be a great pity if I had to abandon it all now in favour of doing everything in C. I'd really love to be able to do OpenGL in assembly language.

Many thanks in anticipation,


Code: [Select]
; triangle.asm
; Simple triangle using opengl and freeglut
; To assemble:
; nasm -felf64 -Wall triangle.asm -o triangle.o
; To link:
; gcc triangle.o -lglut -lGL -lGLU -o triangle
; To run:
; ./triangle

default rel
global main

extern glutInit
extern glutInitDisplayMode
extern glutInitWindowSize
extern glutInitWindowPosition
extern glutCreateWindow
extern glutDisplayFunc
extern glutMainLoop
extern glClearColor
extern glClear
extern glColor3f
extern glOrtho
extern glBegin
extern glVertex3f
extern glEnd
extern glFlush

section .data

dqminusonepointnought dq -1.0
dqplusonepointnought dq 1.0
winhandle dq 0
ddpointfour dd 0.4
ddonepointnought dd 1.0
ddminusnoughtpointseven dd -0.7
ddplusnoughtpointseven dd 0.7
ddnoughtpointnought dd 0.0
ddminusonepointnought dd -1.0
wintitle db "Triangle",0

section .text


movd xmm0, dword [ddpointfour]
movd xmm1, dword [ddpointfour]
movd xmm2, dword [ddpointfour]
movd xmm3, dword [ddpointfour]
call glClearColor

mov rdi, 16384
call glClear
xor rdi, rdi

movd xmm0, dword [ddonepointnought]
movd xmm1, dword [ddonepointnought]
movd xmm2, dword [ddonepointnought]
call glColor3f

movq xmm0, qword [dqminusonepointnought]
movq xmm1, qword [dqplusonepointnought]
movq xmm2, qword [dqminusonepointnought]
movq xmm3, qword [dqplusonepointnought]
movq xmm4, qword [dqminusonepointnought]
movq xmm5, qword [dqplusonepointnought]
call glOrtho

mov rdi, 4
call glBegin
xor rdi, rdi

movd xmm0, dword [ddminusnoughtpointseven]
movd xmm1, dword [ddplusnoughtpointseven]
movd xmm2, dword [ddnoughtpointnought]
call glVertex3f

movd xmm0, dword [ddplusnoughtpointseven]
movd xmm1, dword [ddplusnoughtpointseven]
movd xmm2, dword [ddnoughtpointnought]
call glVertex3f

movd xmm0, dword [ddnoughtpointnought]
movd xmm1, dword [ddminusonepointnought]
movd xmm2, dword [ddnoughtpointnought]
call glVertex3f

call glEnd
call glFlush



lea rsp,[rsp-8]

call glutInit
xor rdi, rdi
xor rsi, rsi

call glutInitDisplayMode

mov rdi, 500
mov rsi, 500
call glutInitWindowSize
xor rdi, rdi
xor rsi, rsi

mov rdi, 100
mov rsi, 100
call glutInitWindowPosition
xor rdi, rdi
xor rsi, rsi

mov rdi, wintitle
call glutCreateWindow
mov [winhandle], rax
xor rdi, rdi
xor rax, rax

mov rdi, drawtriangle
call glutDisplayFunc
xor rdi, rdi

call glutMainLoop


Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2020, 01:02:42 AM »
Hi Phil,

Welcome to the forum.

I know little of 64-bit code and nothing of OpenGL. I probably can't help you.

As a wild asm guess... very wild... try square brackets...
Code: [Select]
call [glClearColor]
You wouldn't normally do this for a function call, but my (very) vague recollection of OpenGl os that it's weird.

I doubt it, but I hope that helps.


Offline landyS3

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2020, 01:18:00 AM »
Hi Frank,
Nope, that's not it, but thanks for trying to help, and the welcome.

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2020, 12:25:31 PM »
You forgot some steps (like loading the identity matrix)...

Old style OpenGL triangle example using GLUT:
Code: [Select]
#include <GL/glut.h>

void reshape( int w, int h )
  glViewport( 0, 0, w, h );
  glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
  glOrtho( 0, w, 0, h, -1, 1 );
  glScalef( 1, -1, 1 );
  glTranslatef( 0, -h, 0 );

void display( void )
  glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
    glColor3f( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
    glVertex2i( 0, 0 );
    glColor3f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
    glVertex2i( 200, 200 );
    glColor3f( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    glVertex2i( 20, 200 );

int main( int argc, char **argv )
  glutInit( &argc, argv );
  glutCreateWindow( "single triangle" );
  glutDisplayFunc( display );
  glutReshapeFunc( reshape );

  return 0;
Now, compile linking witg opengl and glut libraries.
Ask your compiler to generate assembly listing -Fa in VC++ or -S in GCC and see what is happening...

Offline landyS3

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2020, 05:07:40 PM »
Thanks fredericopissarra, but as I said originally I already know how to do it all in C. What I want to do is do it in 64-bit Linux assembler using Nasm. And I did look at the assembly code that C generates, but it didn't seem (to me) to shed any light on things.

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2020, 10:56:33 PM »
Thanks fredericopissarra, but as I said originally I already know how to do it all in C. What I want to do is do it in 64-bit Linux assembler using Nasm. And I did look at the assembly code that C generates, but it didn't seem (to me) to shed any light on things.
Direct translation from simple.c to NASM simple.asm (with comments):
Code: [Select]
; simple.asm
; To compile and link:
;   $ nasm -f elf64 -o simple.o simple.asm
;   $ gcc -s -o simple simple.o -lGL -lglut
  bits  64
  default rel

GL_PROJECTION       equ 5889
GL_TRIANGLES        equ 4

  section .rodata

wintitle: db  'simple triangle', 0
dbl_one:        dq  1.0
dbl_minus_one:  dq  -1.0
flt_one:        dd  1.0
flt_minus_one:  dd  -1.0

  section .text

  extern glBegin
  extern glClear
  extern glColor3f
  extern glEnd
  extern glFlush
  extern glLoadIdentity
  extern glMatrixMode
  extern glOrtho
  extern glScalef
  extern glTranslatef
  extern glVertex2i
  extern glViewport

  extern glutInit
  extern glutCreateWindow
  extern glutDisplayFunc
  extern glutMainLoop
  extern glutReshapeFunc

  push  rbp                   ; SysV ABI demans savind these.
  push  rbx

  mov   ebp, edi              ; save for use in glOrtho call.
  mov   ebx, esi

  ; glViewport( 0, 0, w, h )
  mov   ecx, esi
  mov   edx, edi             
  xor   esi, esi
  xor   edi, edi
  call  glViewport wrt ..plt

  ; glMatrixMude( GL_PROJECTION );
  mov   edi, GL_PROJECTION
  call  glMatrixMode wrt ..plt

  ; glLoadIdentity();
  call  glLoadIdentity wrt ..plt

  ; glOrtho( 0.0, w, 0.0, h, -1.0, 1.0 );
  pxor      xmm0, xmm0                    ; left
  cvtsi2sd  xmm1, ebp                     ; right (w)
  pxor      xmm2, xmm2                    ; bottom
  cvtsi2sd  xmm3, ebx                     ; top (h)
  movsd     xmm4, qword [dbl_minus_one]   ; nearval
  movsd     xmm5, qword [dbl_one]         ; farval
  call  glOrtho wrt ..plt

  ; glScalef( 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f );
  movss xmm2, dword [flt_one]
  movss xmm1, dword [flt_minus_one]
  movss xmm0, xmm2
  call  glScalef wrt ..plt

  ; Arguments for glTranslatef
  pxor  xmm0, xmm0
  neg   ebx
  cvtsi2ss  xmm1, ebx
  pxor  xmm2, xmm2

  pop   rbx             ; Restore as per SysV ABI.
  pop   rbp

  ; glTranslatef( 0.0f, -h, 0.0f );
  jmp   glTranslatef wrt ..plt

  ; WHY RSP needs to be handled here?!
  sub   rsp, 8

  ; glClear( GL_CLEAR_BUFFER_BIT );
  mov   edi, GL_CLEAR_BUFFER_BIT
  call  glClear wrt ..plt

  ; glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
  mov   edi, GL_TRIANGLES
  call  glBegin wrt ..plt

  ; glColor3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
  pxor  xmm0, xmm0
  pxor  xmm1, xmm1
  movss xmm2, dword [flt_one]
  call  glColor3f wrt ..plt

  ; glVertex2i( 0, 0 );
  xor   edi, edi
  xor   esi, esi
  call  glVertex2i wrt ..plt

  ; glColor3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
  pxor  xmm0, xmm0
  movss xmm1, dword [flt_one]
  pxor  xmm2, xmm2
  call  glColor3f wrt ..plt

  ; glVertex2i( 200, 200 );
  mov   edi, 200
  mov   esi, 200
  call  glVertex2i wrt ..plt

  ; glColor3f( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
  movss xmm0, dword [flt_one]
  pxor  xmm1, xmm1
  pxor  xmm2, xmm2
  call  glColor3f wrt ..plt

  ; glVertex2i( 20, 200 );
  mov   edi, 20
  mov   esi, 200
  call  glVertex2i wrt ..plt

  ; glEnd();
  call  glEnd wrt ..plt

  add   rsp, 8

  ; glFlush();
  jmp   glFlush wrt ..plt

  global main
  sub   rsp, 8          ; Needs to be here to take address of argc.

  ; RDI will be &argc.
  mov   [rsp], edi
  lea   rdi, [rsp]

  ; glutInit( &argc, argv );  // argv in RSI.
  call  glutInit wrt ..plt

  ; glutCreateWindow( "simple triangles" );
  lea   rdi, [wintitle]
  call  glutCreateWindow wrt ..plt

  ; glutDisplayFunc( display );
  lea   rdi, [display]
  call  glutDisplayFunc wrt ..plt

  ; glutReshapeFunc( reshape );
  lea   rdi, [reshape]
  call  glutReshapeFunc wrt ..plt

  ; glutMainLoop();
  call  glutMainLoop wrt ..plt

  ; return 0;
  xor   eax, eax

  add   rsp, 8


Offline landyS3

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2020, 11:45:31 PM »
WOW! MANY thanks fredericopissarra! Your code works a treat! It assembles, links and runs perfectly, without any errors or warnings, and produces a nice coloured triangle in a top-level window.
I'm going to have to study your code tomorrow (it's nearly 1:00 am here in England, and time for bed) in order to see what you did right, and what I did wrong, but at least I now know that OpenGL in 64-bit assembler on Linux is actually possible. I can't thank you enough!
Do you have any suggestions as to where my code and/or building process was in error?  But no worries, I may figure it out eventually, but any guidance you could give as to where my code doesn't work would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks, and my best regards,

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2020, 12:29:01 AM »
As I told you, this is a direct translation from simple.c (or simple.s) to NASM. I did only little tweaks (like getting rid of RSP changing on reshape() function) and put somethings in order to better understanding.

As I said in the code, I still don't know WHY RSP must be changed in display() function (without it, you'll get a segmention fault).

Anyway, this is a direct C -> NASM translation based on GCC assembly listing.

And again: You forgot critical things in your original code, as, for example, initialize the projection matrix...
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 12:31:02 AM by fredericopissarra »

Offline landyS3

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2020, 11:02:10 PM »
Have now re-written my original program and got it working properly.
Code: [Select]
; triangle.asm
; Simple triangle using opengl and freeglut
; To assemble:
; nasm -felf64 -Wall triangle.asm -o triangle.o
; To link:
; gcc -march=native -m64 -O3 -Wall -Wextra triangle.o -lGL -lglut -o triangle
; To run:
; ./triangle
; Note that the parameter -m64 may not suit all architectures (see -m in man gcc)
; Nasm supports elf format position-independent code (PIC) features. To call an
; external routine (library function) simply append " wrt ..plt" to the call,
; for example call glClear wrt ..plt
; (Nasm manual section 9.2)

default rel
global main

extern glutInit
extern glutInitDisplayMode
extern glutInitWindowSize
extern glutInitWindowPosition
extern glutCreateWindow
extern glutDisplayFunc
extern glutMainLoop
extern glClearColor
extern glClear
extern glColor3f
extern glOrtho
extern glBegin
extern glVertex3f
extern glEnd
extern glFlush

section .data

dq_minusone dq -1.0
dq_one dq 1.0
winhandle dq 0
dd_pointfour dd 0.4
dd_one dd 1.0
dd_minuspointseven dd -0.7
dd_pluspointseven dd 0.7
dd_minusone dd -1.0
wintitle db "Triangle",0

section .text


push rbp
push rbx
lea rsp,[rsp-8]

movd xmm0, dword [dd_pointfour]
movd xmm1, dword [dd_pointfour]
movd xmm2, dword [dd_pointfour]
movd xmm3, dword [dd_pointfour]
call glClearColor wrt ..plt

mov rdi, 16384
call glClear wrt ..plt

movd xmm0, dword [dd_one]
movd xmm1, dword [dd_one]
movd xmm2, dword [dd_one]
call glColor3f wrt ..plt

movq xmm0, qword [dq_minusone]
movq xmm1, qword [dq_one]
movq xmm2, qword [dq_minusone]
movq xmm3, qword [dq_one]
movq xmm4, qword [dq_minusone]
movq xmm5, qword [dq_one]
call glOrtho wrt ..plt

mov rdi, 4
call glBegin wrt ..plt

movd xmm0, dword [dd_minuspointseven]
movd xmm1, dword [dd_pluspointseven]
; last parameter already zero, pxor xmm2, xmm2
call glVertex3f wrt ..plt

movd xmm0, dword [dd_pluspointseven]
; parameter already set, movd xmm1, dword [dd_pluspointseven]
; last parameter already zero, pxor xmm2, xmm2
call glVertex3f wrt ..plt

pxor xmm0, xmm0
movd xmm1, dword [dd_minusone]
; last parameter already zero, pxor xmm2, xmm2
call glVertex3f wrt ..plt

call glEnd wrt ..plt
call glFlush wrt ..plt

lea rsp,[rsp+8]
pop rbx
pop rbp


lea rsp, [rsp-8]
mov [rsp], edi
lea rdi, [rsp]

call glutInit wrt ..plt

xor rdi, rdi
call glutInitDisplayMode wrt ..plt

mov rdi, 500
mov rsi, 500
call glutInitWindowSize wrt ..plt

mov rdi, 100
mov rsi, 100
call glutInitWindowPosition wrt ..plt

mov rdi, wintitle
call glutCreateWindow wrt ..plt
mov [winhandle], rax

mov rdi, drawtriangle
call glutDisplayFunc wrt ..plt

call glutMainLoop wrt ..plt

xor rax, rax ; return 0 to OS
lea rsp,[rsp+8]

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2020, 12:08:59 PM »
Works by accident (you still forgot to initialize projection matrix, for example). Here's your code with some notes.
Code: [Select]
; triangle.asm
; Simple triangle using opengl and freeglut
; To assemble:
;   nasm -felf64 -Wall triangle.asm -o triangle.o
; To link:
;   gcc -m64 -Wall -Wextra triangle.o -lGL -lglut -o triangle
; To run:
;   ./triangle
; Note that the parameter -m64 may not suit all architectures (see -m in man gcc)
; Nasm supports elf format position-independent code (PIC) features. To call an
;   external routine (library function) simply append " wrt ..plt" to the call,
;   for example call glClear wrt ..plt
;   (Nasm manual section 9.2)
; Fred's notes:
; See FIXME notes on the code.
; Also, using -march=native and -O3 for linking is superfluous.
; If you are using gcc for x86-64, -m64 is also superfluous.
; Another one: GCC and LD documentation for -l options says it is prudent to use them
; at the END of the command, like:
;   gcc triangle.o -o triangle -lGL -lglut
; Use -s options if you don't want symbolic data on your executable.

; FIXME: Not an error, but to make sure we are dealing with x86-64 here, use
;        "bits 64" directive.

default rel

global main

extern glutInit
extern glutInitDisplayMode
extern glutInitWindowSize
extern glutInitWindowPosition
extern glutCreateWindow
extern glutDisplayFunc
extern glutMainLoop
extern glClearColor
extern glClear
extern glColor3f
extern glOrtho
extern glBegin
extern glVertex3f
extern glEnd
extern glFlush

; FIXME: Not an error, but since you won't change any of these values,
;        it is practical to alocate them in .rodata section, instead of .data.
section .rodata

  dq_minusone dq -1.0
  dq_one dq 1.0
  dd_pointfour dd 0.4
  dd_one dd 1.0
  dd_minuspointseven dd -0.7
  dd_pluspointseven dd 0.7
  dd_minusone dd -1.0
  wintitle db "Triangle",0

; FIX: winhandle moved to .bss section because we don't need this on the executable image.
section .bss

  winhandle resq 1

section .text

  push rbp
  push rbx

  ; FIXME: sub rsp,8 is shorter
  lea rsp,[rsp-8]

  ; FIXME you only need to do this ONCE.
  movd xmm0, dword [dd_pointfour]
  movd xmm1, dword [dd_pointfour]
  movd xmm2, dword [dd_pointfour]
  movd xmm3, dword [dd_pointfour]
  call glClearColor wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: No need to assign value to RDI, EDI will suffice.
  ;        Assigning to EDI will zero upper 32 bits automatically
  ;        and create a shorter instruction encoding.
  mov rdi, 16384
  call glClear wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: This should be inside glBegin/glEnd block.
  movd xmm0, dword [dd_one]
  movd xmm1, dword [dd_one]
  movd xmm2, dword [dd_one]
  call glColor3f wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: This should be done only ONCE.
  ;        And the projection matrix should be initialized ONCE too.
  movq xmm0, qword [dq_minusone]
  movq xmm1, qword [dq_one]
  movq xmm2, qword [dq_minusone]
  movq xmm3, qword [dq_one]
  movq xmm4, qword [dq_minusone]
  movq xmm5, qword [dq_one]
  call glOrtho wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: No need to assign value to RDI, EDI will suffice.
  ;        Assigning to EDI will zero upper 32 bits automatically
  ;        and create a shorter instruction encoding.
  mov rdi, 4
  call glBegin wrt ..plt

    ; FIXME: No need to zero all YMM registers! pxor xmm2,xmm2 will suffice (and it is faster).

    movd xmm0, dword [dd_minuspointseven]
    movd xmm1, dword [dd_pluspointseven]

    ; last parameter already zero, pxor xmm2, xmm2

    ; FIXME: Argumentos already set, but they could be changed by the called function!
    call glVertex3f wrt ..plt

    movd xmm0, dword [dd_pluspointseven]

    ; parameter already set, movd xmm1, dword [dd_pluspointseven]
    ; last parameter already zero, pxor xmm2, xmm2

    ; FIXME: Argumentos already set, but they could be changed by the called function!
    call glVertex3f wrt ..plt

    pxor xmm0, xmm0
    movd xmm1, dword [dd_minusone]

    ; last parameter already zero, pxor xmm2, xmm2

    ; FIXME: Argumentos already set, but they could be changed by the called function!
    call glVertex3f wrt ..plt

  call glEnd wrt ..plt
  call glFlush wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: add rsp,8 is shorter.
  lea rsp,[rsp+8]

  pop rbx
  pop rbp

  ; FIXME: sub rsp,8 is shorter.
  lea rsp, [rsp-8]

  mov [rsp], edi
  lea rdi, [rsp]
  call glutInit wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: No need to assign value to RDI, EDI will suffice.
  ;        Assigning to EDI will zero upper 32 bits automatically
  ;        and create a shorter instruction encoding.
  xor rdi, rdi
  call glutInitDisplayMode wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: No need to assign value to RDI and RSI, EDI and ESI will suffice.
  ;        Assigning to EDI and ESI will zero upper 32 bits automatically
  ;        and create a shorter instruction encoding.
  mov rdi, 500
  mov rsi, 500
  call glutInitWindowSize wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: No need to assign value to RDI and RSI, EDI and ESI will suffice.
  ;        Assigning to EDI and ESI will zero upper 32 bits automatically
  ;        and create a shorter instruction encoding.
  mov rdi, 100
  mov rsi, 100
  call glutInitWindowPosition wrt ..plt

  mov rdi, wintitle
  call glutCreateWindow wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: glutCreateWindow will return in 'int' (DWORD).
  ;        So you need to store only EAX. But, since you aren't
  ;        using this handle for nothing, no storage is necessary.
  mov [winhandle], rax

  mov rdi, drawtriangle
  call glutDisplayFunc wrt ..plt

  call glutMainLoop wrt ..plt

  ; FIXME: No need to assign value to RAX, EAX will suffice.
  ;        Assigning to EAX will zero upper 32 bits automatically
  ;        and create a shorter instruction encoding.
  xor rax, rax          ; return 0 to OS

  ; FIXME: add rsp,8 will be shorter.
  lea rsp,[rsp+8]

  ; FIX: You forgot this!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 12:11:24 PM by fredericopissarra »

Offline landyS3

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2020, 03:50:34 PM »
"Works by accident". Of course, how else would a program of mine work!
"you still forgot to initialize projection matrix". What makes you think I want one. I know you want one, but I don't.
Other points...
-march=native is not superfluous -- read the gcc information
-O3 is not superfluous  -- read the gcc information
-m64 possibly "might" be superflous (maybe), but it's still better to be explicit
My placement of the linked files (just before the output file specification) is fine.
Use of -s option. Agreed.
"but to make sure we are dealing with x86-64 here, use "bits 64" directive". WRONG -- You don't need "bits 64" if you are using -felf64. Read the Nasm manual.
.rodata. Possibly, but program far from optimised yet. Simply want it to function initially.
winhandle in .bss. Not a big deal in such a small program. And program far from optimised yet. Simply want it to function initially.
sub rsp,8 is shorter. Maybe, but lea is faster, and is recommended for default rel -- read the manual.
you only need to do this ONCE. Yes, that's why I have only done it once!
32-bit vs 64-bit. A minor point. Program has not been optimised yet.
This should be inside glBegin/glEnd block. Then you'd better get onto the designers of the C OpenGL tutorial and tell them they're wrong. I've put it where they put it.
This should be done only ONCE. Yes, that's why I have only done it once!
And the projection matrix should be initialized ONCE too. Yes, that's why I have only done it once!
vzeroall vs pxor. A very minor point. Program has not been optimised yet.
"glutCreateWindow will return in 'int'", should read "glutCreateWindow will return an 'int'"
"since you aren't using this handle for nothing" should read "since you aren't using this handle for anything"
I know I'm not using the window handle, so I don't need a variable to store it in, and I can just ignore the return value. But I choose to store it.
The final ret is superfluous in this program. It doesn't make any difference to the program execution.
The program might not include things that you might want to see (like perspective correction etc.), but then it's just an UN-OPTIMISED asm version of a very simple C OpenGL tutorial aimed at establishing whether OpenGL is reasonably easy to program in assembler (it's not), practical to program in assembler (it's not) and worth all the effort (probably not). Now I know.

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2020, 04:12:33 PM »
Ok... I already regret trying to help... forget about it and good luck in future projects...

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Problems with an OpenGL program
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2020, 08:08:58 PM »
Well Thank You for helping anyway!
