Author Topic: Segmentation fault question  (Read 13626 times)

Offline azagaros

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Segmentation fault question
« on: May 26, 2019, 08:17:51 PM »
This is on linux 64.  I am getting a segmentation fault at trying to read the command line arguments and print them out. I am not sure where my logic error is or which boundary I am crossing.  As far as I know my management of the stack is working.
Code: [Select]
section .data

strNewLine   db 10   
section .text
    global _start
    pop rcx         ; pop the count of arguments
    pop rax         ; pop the ptr of the arg.
    call _printstr  ; print the string
    call _printnl   ; print a new line character
    dec rcx
    cmp rcx, 0
    jne .argloop
    call _ExitProg
;rax ptr to string to count
;rbx count of string

    push rcx
    push rax   
    mov rbx,0
    inc rax
    inc rbx
    mov cl, [rax]
    cmp cl, 0
    jne .lenloop
    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, 1
    pop rsi         ;pop rax to rsi
    mov rdx, rbx
    pop rcx

    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rsi, strNewLine
    mov rdx, 1
   xor rdi, rdi
   mov rax, 60

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2019, 10:15:39 PM »
I am not good on 64-bit code. It looks like rcx is being trashed in one of your routines. Either save rcx across the two routines, or test rax for zero instead of counting on argc.

I think that'll work...


Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2019, 10:16:51 PM »
Maybe this could help:
Code: [Select]
; test.asm
; compile with:
;   $ nasm -felf64 -o test.o test.asm
;   $ ld -o test test.o
    bits 64
    default rel   ; x86-64 default addressing is RIP relative!

    ; Moved to .rodata.
    section .rodata

strNewLine:  db `\n`
    section .text

    global _start
    ; argc is in [rsp]
    ; argv[n] are in [rsp+8*n+8]
    ;mov   ecx,[rsp]  ; argc (not used here!)

    xor   ebx,ebx     ; RBX is saved by syscalls (SysV ABI).
                      ; Used as index...
    mov   rdi,[rsp+rbx*8+8]
    test  rdi,rdi     ; argv[rbx] == NULL?
    jz    .no_more_args
    call  printstr    ; print the string
    call  printnl     ; print a new line character
    add   ebx,1       ; avoid using INC/DEC (they are slow!).
    jmp   .loop
    mov   eax,60    ; syscall_exit
    xor   edi,edi   ; exit(0).
; rdi = string ptr.
    xor   eax,eax
    cmp   byte [rdi+rax],0
    jz    .strlen_end
    add   eax,1
    jmp   .loop

;rdi = string ptr
    call  strlen
    mov   edx,eax    ; string length.

    mov   eax,1      ; syscall_write
    mov   rsi,rdi    ; string ptr.
    mov   edi,eax    ; stdout

    mov   eax,1       ; syscall_write
    mov   edi,eax     ; stdout
    mov   edx,eax     ; 1 char do print
    lea   rsi,[strNewLine]  ; points to '\n'.

Offline azagaros

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2019, 04:57:14 PM »
Thank you Fredericopissarra.  You got me by one stumbling block.  Just trying to understand how the registers and stack on linux are handled is being challenging.  A small expansion of code has created a new segmentation fault.
Code: [Select]
    bits 64
    default rel  ; x86-64 default addressing is RIP Relative

; section .data

section .rodata
strNewLine   db 10
strSpace     db 32
strFileName  db 'is a file name.',0
strOption    db 'is an option flag.',0
section .text
    global _start
    xor rbx, rbx    ;zero the rbx- will not get trashed by sys v abi (the system calls)
    ; rsp is the **argv
    mov rdi, [rsp+rbx*8+8]
    test rdi, rdi   ; testing for null
    jz .noMoreArg   ; jump on zero
    cmp rbx, 0      ; consuming the first arg.
    je .skipProcess
    call printstr   ; print the string
    call printSpc   ; print a space
    ; procecc the arg
    call processArg
    call printnl    ; print a new line character
    add rbx, 1      ; increment the index.
    jmp .argloop

    call ExitProg
; rdi = string ptr   
    xor rax, rax    ; zero rax register
    cmp byte[rdi+rax],0  ;check for null termination of string
    jz .strlenend
    add rax,1
    jmp .loop

; rdi = str ptr
    call strlen
    mov rdx, rax  ; store the length rdx
    mov rax, 1    ; syscall write
    mov rsi, rdi  ; str ptr
    mov rdi, rax  ; stdout
; rdi = str ptr
    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, rax
    mov rdx, rax
    lea rsi, [strNewLine]

;rdi = str ptr
    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, rax
    mov rdx, rax
    lea rsi, [strSpace]

; rdi = str ptr to process       
    xor rax, rax  ;string index position
    cmp byte[rdi+rax],'-'
    je .argOption
    ; is the stack getting trashed? stack alignment? (system calls use the local stack?)
    push rdi   ; save the current rdi (should not change)
    push rax   ; save the working rax (It is getting trashed?) (it gets trashed in the string length function)
    mov rdi, strFileName  ; set up a differnet rdi...
    call printstr
    pop rax
    pop rdi
    ;Assumed file concept (can have more than one)
    ;allocate a file infromation block
    ;copy the file name to the file name of the block
    add rax, 1  ;consume the option flag
    ; the test for the list of options.
    push rax
    push rdi
    mov rdi, strOption
    call printstr
    pop rdi
    pop rax

   xor rdi, rdi
   mov rax, 60

As for you Kolter as a NASM developer some food for thought:

every thing I am fighting seems to be in the code generation of Nasm or Fasm for that matter

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2019, 06:06:44 PM »
SysV ABI amd64 calling convention:

The integer arguments (or pointers) are passed to a function in order: RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8 and R9, from 7th argument to the last, they are stored on stack cdecl style. For syscalls, instead of RCX, R10 is used.

For floating point, XMM0 to XMM7 will be used for arguments.

Example: int f( int a, float b, int c ); // EDI=a, XMM0=b, ESI=c

Registers RSP, RBP, RBX and R12 to R15 must be preserved between calls. Any other registers can be changed inside a function.

RAX is the returned value...

Offline azagaros

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2019, 06:35:55 PM »
First off tell me where I am touching anything but the system calls.. I am not making the function calls.  It appears the registers get trashed in a task switch of linux.  Assembly has always been the argument of the registers.  I save registers if I do not care what they return as from process.  I am being specific about the calls and when I do them. Most of the registers I have not touched.  I have read the abi backwards and forwards more times that care to realize.  I have something interfering with position by most addressing models that should not move, so any number I move from x to y, it does not change that number.  If it gets relocated by the OS, the os should clean up the pointers.  I am crossing a boundary because a number changed by some abstract.  My assembly do not change any numbers and I expect enter and exit of any function to change certian numbers.  Which stupidity am I really following doing simple assembly? I have been chasing bugs like every time I code something on linux in 64 bit and have been doing assembly for 30+ years..
« Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 06:50:09 PM by azagaros »

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2019, 06:59:08 PM »
Take a closer look at your printstr function... What registers it changes?

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2019, 07:16:26 PM »
Another thing: Avoid using R?? registers if you can. If you need a simple counter, 32 bits will sufice and you should use E??. This because using R?? for other thing than pointers will add an REX prefix to instructions and the imediate values will be 64 bits long...

XOR EAX,EAX will clear the entire RAX and it is a shorter instruction... Every instruction which deals with E?? registers will erase, automatically the upper bits of R?? registers...

To load an effective address (pointer), you should use LEA instruction to take advantage of RIP relative addressing. This:

MOV RDI,strNewLine

Is better defined as

LEA RDI,[strNewLine]

Because it is wise do prefer Position Indementent Executables (PIE) in x86-64 mode.

Offline azagaros

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2019, 07:25:38 PM »
oh wow.  talk about stupidity... rax - 64bit, eax -32 bit, ax - 16 bit al or ah is 8 bit.. of the same register. if I read another post nasm through optimization selects the smallest form. 64 bits addresses are 3 or 4 bytes long, 32 bit are 2.  that is code generation, it is in the prefixes on the byte sequence to denote 16, 32, 64 bit number that follows..

it could be your fallacy, if you forget there is a full 64 bit number in a register when you only zero out 32 bits of the register, it does not end up 0..
« Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 07:47:49 PM by azagaros »

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2019, 08:24:38 PM »
oh wow.  talk about stupidity... rax - 64bit, eax -32 bit, ax - 16 bit al or ah is 8 bit.. of the same register. if I read another post nasm through optimization selects the smallest form. 64 bits addresses are 3 or 4 bytes long, 32 bit are 2.  that is code generation, it is in the prefixes on the byte sequence to denote 16, 32, 64 bit number that follows..

it could be your fallacy, if you forget there is a full 64 bit number in a register when you only zero out 32 bits of the register, it does not end up 0..
So, what if you read from Intel and AMD themselves... READ the Development Manuals and see for yourself.

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2019, 08:36:02 PM »
A simple test:
Code: [Select]
  ; asm.asm
  bits  64
  default rel

  section .text

  global  f

; unsigned long long f( unsigned long long );
; Entry: RDI
; Output: RAX
  mov rax,rdi
  mov eax,1   ; it will zero the upper 32 bits?
Code: [Select]
/* test.c */
#include <stdio.h>

extern unsigned long long f( unsigned long long );

int main( void )
  unsigned long long x;

  x = f(0xffffffffffffffffULL); // all bits set.

  // Maybe it will print 0xffffffff00000001?! Nah!
  printf( "%#016llx\n", x );
Code: [Select]
# Makefile
test: test.o asm.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^

test.o: test.c

asm.o: asm.asm
nasm -felf64 -o $@ $<
$ make
$ ./test

Offline azagaros

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2019, 09:30:57 PM »
Gee your stupidity again.  I have 5 programming languages under my belt.   I have read the books you dumb a**.  From every piece of documentation of registers:
|  32 | 16 | 16|  rax is the full 64 and eax is the bottom 32 and ax is then set of 16 is the last set.  rax is 8 bytes eax 4.  Adding the two should look and act like for furthest right bit goes first and cycles to the left. if it overflows the 64 bit it will pop the carry flag. Endian just changes the direction of the cycling goes through. This has not changed in 30 years of x86 class processors.  I think arm processors do it the same way.  It is the way the transistors are put in sequence.  Clearing of the register is left up to the programmer and most bios leave them empty when they start an os. Did you not learn how to add two numbers early in your life?  2's complement follows same logic if you have ever did the math by hand.  You start at the zero bit and go to max bit and Big and little endian determine where the 0 bit is. 

Since I know that impling a register in nasm, does not guarantee the size of the register.  If you want the smallest code concept, it is in the preamble on any integer or pointer; by sequence of any command.  In code generation, by both the AMD and intel documentation, you have the byte code of command, then, depending on command, is the scaler on a number and the bytes that make up the number.  All address space is pointers, which are all integers.   In nasm could take a 64 bit pointer and inadvertently make it a 16 bit pointer, if the value was under 2^16.  A 16 bit number has no scaler and is only 2 bytes for the number,  a 32 has 2 byte scaler with 4 bytes to the number and 64 has a 3 byte scaler and 8 bytes to the number.  There is a lot of space saving in this concept. it also argues the byte concept of the command

One thing that is in AS-- gcc's assembler. It has a denotation to imply which state of command you use. For example mov, movw, movq, mov is the 8 bit/16 bit concept, and movw is the 32 bit concept and movq is the 64 bit concept.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 10:14:59 PM by azagaros »

Offline debs3759

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2019, 09:47:53 PM »
azagaros, please do not insult someone who is trying to help you. You may know several programming languages, but that does not mean you know all languages. Higher lever languages do much of the work for you, so you don't need to know as much in order to use them. I have never tried programming in 64-bit code, but fredericopissarra appears to have done so. As he says, the Intel/AMD documentation gives much more info than those who work on nasm, who used that info to write an app which follows Intel assembly coding conventions. Our documentation will never be as complete as that you can get (or maybe have) from Intel.
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Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2019, 09:53:21 PM »
Intel IA-32 and Intel64 Software Development Manual - Vol I - Chapter 3, Topic (General Purpose Registers in 64 bits mode):

"When in 64-bit mode, operand size determines the number of valid bits in the destination general-purpose
* 32-bit operands generate a 32-bit result, zero-extended to a 64-bit result in the destination general-purpose

AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 1 - Application Programming - Chapter 3, Topic 3.1.2 (64-Bit Mode Registers), Figure 3-3 and 3-4... Topic explains...

Offline fredericopissarra

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Re: Segmentation fault question
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2019, 09:56:16 PM »
By the way... I have almost 40 years of software development AND electronics experience, not only with assembly (of more than a dozen of processors), but lots of high level languages as well...

You're welcome.