Assuming you're on Win32, using C's file routines, and accessing a binary file, it could appear something like so... (I am too lazy to find out the exact parameters of fread(), but this should work);
;nasm -f win this.asm
;gcc -m32 this.obj -o this.exe
global _WinMain@16
extern _printf
extern _fopen
extern _fread
extern _fclose
section .bss
mybuff: resb 64
section .data
myfile: db 'myfile.bin',0 ;assume you have integer 1 in here as the first byte
mode: db 'r',0
fmt: db 'You get %d',0ah,0
section .text
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push mode
push myfile
call _fopen ;open for read
add esp,8
mov edi,eax ;save fd
push eax ;fd
push 10 ;read 10 bytes
push 64 ;buffer size
push mybuff ;copy to this buffer
call _fread
add esp,4*4
movzx eax,byte[mybuff] ;copy first byte to AL
push eax
push fmt
call _printf
add esp,8
push edi ;close fd
call _fclose
add esp,4
pop ebp
;------- your binary file "myfile.asm" ---------
;------- nasm -f bin myfile.asm -o myfile.bin
;db 1d,3d