Author Topic: 64-bit DLL assembles and links BUT is not recognized by external program  (Read 16625 times)

Offline paml27

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I have written a 64-bit DLL in NASM.  The DLL assembles with the NASM assembler, and links correctly with GoLink, and a DLL file is produced.

However, when I call it from another program (not an assembler program), the entry point "Calculate" is not recognized as a valid DLL entry point. 

My question is:  is this DLL code correct for 64-bit NASM, and if it is correct, is there something that would cause it not to be recognized by the calling program? 

      global main
      global Calculate
      export Calculate

    xor eax, eax




Thanks for any help.

Offline Frank Kotler

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I have no experience with either Windows or 64-bit code, but it might be worth trying it as "_main" and/or "_Calculate".


Offline paml27

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Thanks, Frank.  Here's a follow-up question: 

The problem may be the way parameters are passed from the calling function to the DLL. 

In 32-bit MASM, we use a standard C-type function signature, e.g.

FunctionName PROC A:PTR DWord, B:PTR DWord
where parameters are passed in the function header. 

However, in both 32-bit and 64-bit NASM, a DLL entry point is specified this way: 

where in 32-bit NASM, parameters are passed on the stack and in 64-bit NASM, parameters are passed (for Windows) in rcx, rdx, r8, and r9, not by using a C-style function header. 

If calling from an external function, could this lack of a C-style function signature be the problem, that the external function cannot recognize a signature? 

Offline Frank Kotler

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I very much doubt if your external program is looking for a "C-style function signature", but I'm really not sure. I should perhaps have been more definate that you do need the leading underscore.


Offline Frank Kotler

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I am incorrect. GoLink does not want you to use the leading underscore. See the Friendly Manual here:
Pay attention to the "/mix" switch. This looks like a mess to me! Good Luck!


Offline paml27

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Thanks, Frank, for taking the time to answer this.  I'm calling the DLL from a third-party package, so I will ask the package vendor what registers they pass parameters in.  Calling across process boundaries presents extra difficulties, like the problem I'm having here. 

I've used two different linkers -- the GNU Linker and GoLink (GoLink is much better and the documentation is great).  Neither one allows the leading underscore.  32-bit NASM requires the leading underscore, but 64-bit does not allow it. 

The 64-bit processors have been out for a long time now, so I'm puzzled by how few assembler programmers have migrated to 64-bit.  Many say they just don't want to, so there's very little information on 64-bit programming.  For me, it's not an option because I've just taken on a project that requires 64-bit DLLs; it's proving to be quite daunting because of the lack of a large knowledge base like 32-bit assembler has. 

Thanks again. 

Offline stressful

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Creating and accessing a 64-bit DLL in NASM
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2017, 10:56:41 AM »
Creating a 64-bit DLL in NASM is simple. I've compiled a short demo code for you

Here's the DLL
Code: [Select]
;The DLL
;nasm -f win64 libdll.asm
;golink /dll libdll.obj msvcrt.dll
global printz
export printz

section .text
        sub rsp,0x20
        call printf
        add rsp,0x20

extern printf

Now you can access it from C like so;
Code: [Select]
;Try to access from a C program
;gcc -m64 testme.c libdll.dll -s -o testme.exe
#include <stdio.h>

extern void printz(char *);

int main()
        char msg[] = "Hello World";


        return 0;

Or from another NASM program like this:

Code: [Select]
;nasm -f win64 prog.asm
;golink /console prog.obj libdll.dll kernel32.dll
global Start

extern printz      ;from libdll.dll
extern ExitProcess ;from kernel32.dll

section .data
msg db 'Hello World!!!',0ah,0

section .text
        mov rcx,msg
        call printz

        mov rcx,0
        call ExitProcess

All works as expected using golink. I hope this helps.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 10:58:46 AM by stressful »

Offline paml27

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Thanks very much for this example.  It helps confirm that my DLL is constructed correctly, so the problem is the external call.  I'll try your example of calling it from C or another NASM program. 

I really appreciate you taking the time to post this working example.