I noticed recently that Nasm slows down considerably as input gets above a certain size.
It was only a problem on special test files, not on normal input. But now I have a real program and the time to assemble it is becoming a nuisance. So I'm reporting it as a problem.
Nasm is used to assemble the output of a C compiler. It takes the compiler about 0.1 seconds to turn 20K lines of C, into 80K lines of ASM. It has taken Nasm 40 or 25 seconds to process those lines (25 seconds using -O0 to minimise passes).
The latest version version takes 33/20 seconds. A welcome reduction, but still, IMO, far too long for the task, and still an annoyance. That test file is here:
https://github.com/bartg/langs/blob/master/test.asm(click in View Raw to see the text then perhaps copy and paste. It's 80,000 lines and 1.3MB).
I ran Nasm on an Intel 3.2GHz 64-bit machine with 4GB, using:
nasm -fwin64 test.asm
Nasm does the job but it just takes a magnitude or two longer than you might expect!