Author Topic: News from the FASM world, assembly projects and sources.  (Read 16346 times)

Offline johnfound

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News from the FASM world, assembly projects and sources.
« on: August 31, 2016, 10:26:36 AM »
I am mainly FASM user, but decided to make an account here in order to communicate with the NASM assembly language programmers and to share some of my asm projects.

And here are some news from the FASM world.

At first, the domain recently has been moved to another hosting, using the fastest, assembly written web server RWASA. Actually the hosting has been donated by the author of RWASA, Jeff Marrison. This way, the Fresh IDE is now fully assembly language hosted: asm web server + asm CMS. 8)

When we are talking about assembly language web development, I can't miss my recent project - AsmBB - forum engine written in assembly language. The sources are in the fossil repository and can be interesting for some of you. It uses FastCGI and SQLite database storage and is fairly fast, scalable and lightweight. It can be easily installed on shared hosting, has no any external dependencies and runs on 32 and 64 bit Linux servers.

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: News from the FASM world, assembly projects and sources.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2016, 02:40:18 PM »
Hi John,

Delighted to see you here! Feel free to discus any news and projects you think might be of mutual interest. While Nasm and Fasm won't "quite" assemble each others code, they're awfully close. Last I looked (not recently) the Fasm Forum was a lot more active than we are... feel free to talk to us anyway, :)


Offline johnfound

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Re: News from the FASM world, assembly projects and sources.
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2016, 04:16:33 PM »
Hi, Frank.
The assembly forums will become more popular, if there are interesting projects developed and not only small examples and exercises, but normal programs for the end user. That is why I am trying to develop such programs - like the web forum software and library for GUI programming. Working on such programs the beginners can learn assembly language much better and  will have as a result some useful programs. two-in-one. :D