Author Topic: Latest version of NASM triggers Norton Antivirus autoremoval  (Read 42323 times)

Offline ben321

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I unzipped the latest version of NASM and immediately my Norton Antivirus software removed the file nasm.exe and told me that it was potential malware (must have some heuristic algorithm to guess if a file is malware). I had to manually tell Norton AV to restore the file and to exclude it from all future scans.

Offline Maya69

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Re: Latest version of NASM triggers Norton Antivirus autoremoval
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2023, 09:54:29 AM »
Right-click the Norton Security icon, located in the notification section of your Windows taskbar. When the pop-up menu appears, select Disable Auto-Protect . A Security Request dialog should now appear, overlaying your desktop and other active applications. Select the drop-down menu labeled Select the duration.