Hi Edy,
All this is making me realize how badly my memory has gone to bit-rot! I don't know why incbin should differ from cat. It should be about the same. I was trying to set ds to a value to do it all in one file, but it wasn't getting far enough to determine if it worked or not. I could tell that the int 13h was leaving carry-flag set by the fact that it was printing "a" repeatedly. I modified what you posted slightly. This is where I left off. I don't think it'll be much help to you, but here it is.
bits 16
mov ax, 0x07C0
mov ds, ax
; i've tried also ORG 0x7C00, with ax=0
%macro print 1
mov si, word %1
or al, al
jz done
mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10
jmp a
mov ax, 0
mov dl, 0
int 0x13
jc reset
mov ah, 0x0E
mov al, 'a'
int 0x10 ; print char just to see if all is going well
mov ax, 1000h ; I'd like to load the second stage on this memory address
mov es, ax
mov bx, 0
mov ah, 2
mov al, 5
mov ch, 0
mov cl, 2
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 0
int 0x13
jc reset
jmp 1000h:0000 ; just to make sure of the address
; then I end up with
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0AA55h
; continuing on the same file ...
jmp boot2
mov ax, 1000h - 20h
mov ds, ax
;printa message
mov si, message
or al, al
jz done
mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10
jmp top
jmp blackhole
message db "welcome to stage2", 0
times 1024-($-$$) db 0 ; just to align the size of my bin file for getting in the virtual machine
My memory of those "hi res" graphics modes is real shaky, too. 0x19FFF isn't going to fit in es, as it exceeds 16 bits. This is an example of doing "bank switching". I think it used to work, although there's some "dead code" in it. Posted by a guy who went by "Garfield" - the cat in the cartoon, not the president, I think. It's a dos .com file, but should be easy to adapt to a stage2 boot(?).
;"TB" <NO_acr872k_SPAM@HERE_hotmail.com>
;Wed, 1 Jan 2003 16:31:00 -0500
org 100h
section .text
mov ax, 0A000h
mov es, ax
mov ax, $4F02 ; 4F02H=SET VESA VIDEO MODE
mov bx, $0107 ; 107H=1280x1024x256
call set_palette
xor ecx, ecx
mov bh, 1 ; cl ; $0F
inc ecx
mov eax,ecx
call pp2 ; PutPixel
cmp ecx, 1280 * 1024 ;0FFFFh
jne LoopBG
mov ah, 10h
int 16h
cmp al, 1Bh
jz egress
xor ecx, ecx
; cmp bh, 4
; jnz top
; mov bh, 3
inc bh
jmp short LoopBG
; mov ah, 0
; int 16h
mov ax, 3
int 10h
push eax ; push used register
push ecx ; push argument
push edx ; push used register
push ebx ; push used register
xor ebx, ebx ; clear extended part of ebx
mov bx, $0FFFF ; divisor
xor edx,edx ; clear extended part of edx
div ebx ; divide: remainder (local bank addr) in edx and
; quotient (bank number) in eax
xchg edx, eax ; exchange them because SwitchBank needs bank number in
; edx
call SwitchBank ; switch bank, bank number=dx
mov di,ax ; prepare offset
mov ax,$0a000 ; prepare segment
mov es,ax ; set segment
pop ebx ; pop argument
mov [es:di], byte bh ; draw!
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
push eax
pop ax
pop dx
mov di, ax
mov al, bh
cmp [cur_bank], dx
jz bank_okay
mov [cur_bank], dx
call SwitchBank
push ax
push bx
mov ax,4f05h
xor bx,bx
int $10
pop bx
pop ax
mov si, my_pal
xor cx, cx
mov dx, 3c8h
mov al, cl
out dx, al
inc dx
shr al, 2
out dx, al
shr al, 2
out dx, al
shr al, 2
out dx, al
inc cx
cmp cx, 100h
jnz .top
section .data
cur_bank dw 0
db 0, 0 ,0
db 0, 255, 0
db 0, 0, 255
db 255, 0, 0
db 128, 128, 0
db 128, 0, 128
db 0, 128, 128
db 128, 0, 0
db 0, 128, 0
db 0, 0, 128
db 255, 128, 0
db 255, 0, 128
db 255, 128, 128
db 128, 255, 128
db 128, 128, 255
db 240, 240, 0
db 240, 0, 240
db 240, 100, 240
db 240, 100, 64
db 240, 0, 64
db 230, 64, 64
db 230, 128, 64
db 230, 64, 128
db 230, 230, 64
db 230, 64, 230
db 230, 180, 64
db 230, 64, 180
db 230, 0, 180
db 230, 0, 64
db 230, 255, 0
db 220, 255, 64
db 200, 255, 64
db 155, 255, 0
db 128, 255, 64
db 100, 255, 128
db 180, 0, 0
db 220, 220, 64
db 180, 220, 0
db 180, 255, 128
db 180, 0, 128
db 180, 128, 64
db 240, 0, 128
db 240, 128, 0
db 220, 240, 160
db 255, 140, 120
db 220, 128, 255
db 200, 64, 255
db 200, 255, 64
db 240, 255, 0
db 100, 0, 255
db 64, 64, 240
db 255, 0, 140
db 220, 180, 100
db 240, 200, 180
db 64, 255, 255
db 100, 255, 100
db 100, 100, 255
db 230, 200, 0
db 180, 255, 64
db 0, 255, 240
db 200, 255, 180
db 64, 0, 0
db 200, 0, 100
db 0, 220, 100
db 0, 64, 0
db 64, 240, 64
db 64, 255, 64
db 0, 64, 100
db 220, 120, 120
db 64, 255, 255
db 255, 240, 0
db 0, 240, 30
db 128, 255, 64
db 240, 0, 128
db 255, 120, 255
db 120, 0, 255
db 64, 128, 255
db 100, 0, 64
db 0, 64, 128
db 220, 55, 155
db 64, 255, 220
db 0, 230, 200
db 128, 64, 255
db 240, 64, 0
db 128, 64, 255
db 0, 64, 85
db 80, 100, 0
db 220, 200, 60
db 160, 64, 40
db 100, 240, 0
db 100, 64, 255
db 40, 100, 40
db 220, 40, 255
db 60, 155, 55
db 205, 55, 105
db 155, 85, 55
db 85, 85, 135
db 175, 155, 75
db 85, 45, 55
db 205, 55, 25
db 25, 155, 185
db 55, 185, 135
db 205, 25, 25
db 195, 55, 35
db 25, 205, 155
db 85, 55, 145
db 125, 55, 155
db 55, 155, 25
db 225, 25, 25
db 205, 125, 55
db 25, 215, 55
db 25, 225, 25
db 55, 25, 155
db 100, 55, 205
db 0, 0, 255
db 0, 0, 245
db 0, 0, 235
db 0, 0, 225
db 0, 0, 215
db 0, 0, 205
db 0, 0, 195
db 0, 0, 185
db 0, 0, 175
db 0, 0, 165
db 0, 0, 155
db 0, 0, 145
db 0, 0, 135
db 0, 0, 125
db 0, 0, 115
db 0, 0, 105
db 0, 0, 95
db 0, 0, 85
db 0, 0, 75
db 0, 0, 65
db 0, 0, 55
db 0, 0, 45
db 0, 0, 35
db 0, 0, 25
db 0, 255, 0
db 0, 245, 0
db 0, 235, 0
db 0, 225, 0
db 0, 215, 0
db 0, 205, 0
db 0, 195, 0
db 0, 185, 0
db 0, 175, 0
db 0, 165, 0
db 0, 155, 0
db 0, 145, 0
db 0, 135, 0
db 0, 125, 0
db 0, 115, 0
db 0, 105, 0
db 0, 95, 0
db 0, 85, 0
db 0, 75, 0
db 0, 65, 0
db 0, 55, 0
db 0, 45, 0
db 0, 35, 0
db 0, 25, 0
db 255, 0, 0
db 245, 0, 0
db 235, 0, 0
db 225, 0, 0
db 215, 0, 0
db 205, 0, 0
db 195, 0, 0
db 185, 0, 0
db 175, 0, 0
db 165, 0, 0
db 155, 0, 0
db 145, 0, 0
db 135, 0, 0
db 125, 0, 0
db 115, 0, 0
db 105, 0, 0
db 95, 0, 0
db 85, 0, 0
db 75, 0, 0
db 65, 0, 0
db 55, 0, 0
db 45, 0, 0
db 35, 0, 0
db 25, 0, 0
db 25, 25, 25
db 45, 35, 35
db 65, 45, 45
db 85, 55, 55
db 105, 65, 65
db 125, 75, 75
db 145, 85, 85
db 165, 95, 95
db 185, 105, 105
db 205, 115, 115
db 225, 125, 125
db 245, 135, 135
db 205, 145, 145
db 165, 155, 155
db 125, 165, 165
db 85, 175, 175
db 75, 185, 165
db 65, 195, 155
db 55, 205, 145
db 45, 215, 135
db 35, 225, 125
db 25, 235, 115
db 15, 245, 105
db 25, 255, 95
db 25, 255, 85
db 25, 255, 75
db 25, 255, 65
db 25, 255, 55
db 25, 255, 45
db 25, 255, 35
db 35, 255, 25
db 45, 245, 35
db 55, 235, 45
db 65, 225, 55
db 75, 215, 65
db 85, 205, 75
db 95, 195, 85
db 105, 185, 95
db 115, 175, 85
db 125, 165, 75
db 135, 155, 65
db 145, 145, 55
db 155, 135, 45
db 165, 125, 35
db 175, 115, 25
db 185, 105, 25
db 195, 95, 25
db 205, 85, 25
db 215, 75, 25
db 225, 65, 25
db 235, 55, 25
db 245, 45, 25
db 255, 35, 25
db 255, 25, 35
db 255, 25, 45
db 255, 25, 55
db 255, 25, 65
db 255, 25, 75
db 255, 25, 85
db 255, 25, 95
db 255, 25, 105
db 255, 25, 125
db 255, 25, 135
db 255, 25, 145
db 255, 25, 155
db 255, 25, 175
db 225, 25, 195
db 205, 25, 225
db 165, 25, 245
db 255, 255, 255
One alternative to bank switching is a tweaked CPU mode called "voodoo mode" or "real big mode". Herman Dullink wrote some code in Tasm to do it, and I converted it to Nasm. I think I have a version that will work from a bootsector, but I'll have to look for it. Don't hesitate to remind me if I don't come up with it. Meantime, try the bank switching method.