Hi Nikipa,
I can refer you to this:
http://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=874.0I can suggest that if you're having trouble, with code you wrote for Nasm, somebody else's code for Nasm, Nasm itself, or something else... tell us exactly what you did and exactly what happened. This helps clarify the view into our crystal ball.

Here's what I did: (all on 32-bit Linux)
http://sourceforge.net/code-snapshots/svn/h/h2/h2incn/code/h2incn-code-10-trunk.zipunzipped it,got into that directory, didn't see a makefile or configure so tried:
gcc -o h2incn h2incn.c hashmap.c bintree.asm fnv1hash.asm
got some warnings, and an error about "conflicting types for 'hash_map_insert'" (and where it was found)
I strongly suspect I need to assemble the two .asm files with Nasm and feed gcc the .o files, but haven't gotten that far yet.
I have a working(?) version of "/usr/local/bin/h2incn", but "h2incn -v" doesn't tell me where it came from. Might be an older Johannes Kroll version, but I think I got something from Rob that worked better...
That's as far as I've gotten so far. Hoping Rob will check in...
What's it sayin' to you?