Hi ben321,
Well... typing "alink -h" informs me that "-dll" informs Alink that we want a .dll. Examination of the help screen in the executable of GoLink informs me that "/dll" does the same for GoLink. So far, so good.
http://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=1678.0appear to be examples.
http://www.nasm.us/doc/nasmdoc7.html#section-7.4.5covers the "export" directive, which is specific to the "-f obj" output format. I ASSume there's a way to get the same effect in "-f win32" and "-f win64"(?), but I don't know what it is.
Unless I'm mistaken, there are macros in this file:
http://home.myfairpoint.net/fbkotler/nagoa20120202.zipwhich will allow you to assemble a .dll with "-f bin" - without the assistance of a linker.
I believe we make static libraries with (MS's) "lib.exe" (which I seem to recall hearing just invokes "link.exe" with "certain" parameters). (or David Lindauer's "xlib.exe"?)
I've heard that we can make an import library by assembling a file with functions "import"ed and declared "extern" in "-f obj" mode. I guess that would be the only content, and I guess we'd name it ".lib". This can supposedly be used with "-f win32" objects(?).
That's all a fancy way of saying "I don't know", Ben. Wish I could help you more. If you'll detail exactly what you did, what you expected to happen, and what happened instead, someone might be able to help you narrow it down...