Hello. I'm updating my win32 tuto. It has full samples on masm and fasm and I wanted to upgrading it to nasmx. It was at 90% when I realized that I was making it with v1.2

Never mind, let's go for v1.4.
The present message is due to that I have found an error, probably loading a dll, that doesn't allow me to progress in the SQLite example.
This program reads some functions from dllWN01.dll. It worked ok in v1.2, but don't in v1.4 (I have attached both, same code). In fact, I think that the subroutines in the dll works akay, and, for demonstrate that, I have incorporated a messagebox showing the calculated value in ASCIIZ. The v12 mainWN02.v12.exe works fine as you can see.
I think there's something strange in BITMAPINFOHEADER structure?, because I had to change manually several things to making the program work (in v1.2 it worked fine without those changes). This is a bmp reasizable viewer program loaded into memory (just for 1 bmp file, I will upgrade it when I have time). I have used a tricky to get the addr of a local variable (is there anything available already for it?):
mov eax, ebp
sub eax, .dwBytesRead ; Truqui para el ADDR de dwBytesRead
There are some other problems/issues that I have encountered in v1.2. that I will check for v1.4:
* The buttons2 example doesn't change the boxing globe cursor when the cursor get off from the politician button. I cannot use UDC_HyperLink in my rc file if I want the DialogBoxParam that calls this dialog box work. Everything else is working ok: double image buttons, etc.
* The SQLite example doesn't read properly the units food. I believe that some problem in local variables gestion, I will check in v1.4 that I think has changed that.
* Is it possible to define local structure variables?
* Is it possible to define a local variable similar to that?
local myVar[40], dword
* Is it possible to do something like this?
if eax, <=, 30, &&, eax, >= 5, [and so on]
* Is it possible to make my own subroutines?
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 4*5 ; Space for 5 dwords
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
I have used it, but I think that, at least, in v12 it is not possible to execute an "invoke" command inside, even if I push and call manually.
I keep on working on that but I go a bit slow because I just have a bit of time at weekends, so if anyone want to help... :)would be welcome.