; bit_squatting.asm
; David @InfinitelyManic agentdaffaires@gmail.com
; creating domain names derived from a single domain name by reversing 1 bit
; inspired by http://dinaburg.org/bitsquatting.html
; COMPILED: nasm -felf64 -g -F stabs bit_squattting.asm && gcc bit_squattting.o -o bit_squattting
; nasm -v NASM version 2.09.10 compiled on Oct 17 2011
; macros used from mylib.mac - remove comments (;) for macros & comment out -> %include "mylib.mac" ; this is my personal sloppy macro library
; %macro fentry 0
; push rbp
; mov rbp, rsp
;%macro fexit 0
; leave
; ret
;%macro fpushregs 0
; push rbx
; push rcx
; push rdx
; push rsi
; push rdi
; push r8
; push r9
; push r10
; push r11
; push r12
; push r13
; push r14
; push r15
;%macro fpopregs 0
; pop r15
; pop r14
; pop r13
; pop r12
; pop r11
; pop r10
; pop r9
; pop r8
; pop rdi
; pop rsi
; pop rdx
; pop rcx
; pop rbx
section .bss
section .data
fmt: db `%s charPos: %d bit: %d\n`,0
domain1: db "nasm.us",0 ; whatever
domain0: db "nasm.us",0 ; whatever copy
d_len equ $-domain0
approved_char db "0123456789abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz",0 ; only print results with these chars
a_len equ $-approved_char
section .text
%include "mylib.mac" ; this is my personal sloppy macro library
extern printf
global main
; rsi: array
; rcx: character position; derived from length of array - subject to offset due to removal of dot(.) com characters
; rdx: holds a single array element - a byte
; rbx: bit position & loop counter - assumes we are looking at a byte character
mov rsi, domain0 ; array 0
mov rdi, domain1 ; array 1
mov rcx, d_len ; length of array
dec rcx ; don't count terminator '0'
sub rcx, 5 ; character loop - back out dot(.) and top level domain -- FIX THIS, IT'S ARBITRARY
; -----------
mov rbx, 7 ; s/u bits to check for loop -- FIX THIS, IT'S ARBITRARY
mov rdx, [rsi+rcx] ; get character element from the array
xor rax, rax ; clear rax for use in bit swaps
mov al, dl ; copy the lower bits to al
; ---------------------- flipping bits one at a time ------------
bt ax, bx ; bit test; check carry flag ("CF")
jnc .dobts ; jump if CF not set or bit is 0
.dobtr: btr ax, bx ; bit test and reset to 0 if 1
jmp .skip0 ; unconditional jump to skip over command
.dobts: bts ax, bx ; bit test and set to 1 if 0
push rcx
push rdi
; ------scan for approved characters------------------
mov rcx, a_len
lea rdi, [approved_char]
repne scasb
; -----------------------------------------------------
pop rdi
pop rcx
jnz .next0
mov dl, al ; copy lower bits
mov [rsi+rcx],rdx ; update array for printing purposes
call write ; print that puppy
call redo ; reset array to original domain
dec rbx
cmp rbx, 0
jnl .loop1
; ------------
dec rcx
cmp rcx, 0
jnl .loop0
mov rdx, [rdi+rcx] ; get original character element from the array
mov [rsi+rcx],rdx ; update array
; ----------
lea rdi, [fmt]
mov rsi, rsi ; squat domain - array
mov rdx, rcx ;
mov rcx, rbx ;
; -----------
xor rax, rax
call printf
xor rax, rax
root@wildwildwest:~/asm# ./bit_squattting
na3m.us charPos: 2 bit: 6
nacm.us charPos: 2 bit: 4
nawm.us charPos: 2 bit: 2
naqm.us charPos: 2 bit: 1
narm.us charPos: 2 bit: 0
nqsm.us charPos: 1 bit: 4
nism.us charPos: 1 bit: 3
nesm.us charPos: 1 bit: 2
ncsm.us charPos: 1 bit: 1
fasm.us charPos: 0 bit: 3
lasm.us charPos: 0 bit: 1
oasm.us charPos: 0 bit: 0