I understand. Adding a "pre-parser" makes things more difficult - except if you use an automated script.

But hold on... Do you mean writing "0D 0A" in
binary or
text? Because if it's in binary, you don't have to do anything else: pressing ENTER puts "0D 0A" already in the file (as you're using Windows and N++ has that endline by default).
EDIT: I've seen your original post, and if I'm not wrong, you want to have multiple ASM instructions within one line. You can use another separator if you like for this. I don't know, a pipe ( | ) instead of an ENTER. Then you can write a program that interprets the line by changing pipes with ENTERs.
EDIT 2: If you want to have such a file without editing NASM to handle it, it's very likely you'll need to use a
pre-parser to handle it nicely and present the expected format to the assembler. The C program I put above is a very crude example of one (as it doesn't output the file directly into standard output).