Author Topic: %arg and %local macros are buggy  (Read 13679 times)

Offline gammac

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%arg and %local macros are buggy
« on: November 27, 2014, 12:33:46 PM »
this compiles without any warning:

Code: [Select]
cpu 386

global start

[SECTION .code use32]


push 0x00112233
push 0x44556677
push 0x8899AABB
call Main

%stacksize flat

%arg a1:qword
%arg a2:dword
%arg a3:word
%arg a4:byte
%arg a5:byte

push ebp
mov ebp, esp

fild qword [a1]
mov eax, [a2]
mov ax, [a3]
mov al, [a4]
mov ah, [a5]

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 16

and produces the following buggy code:

Code: [Select]
fild qword [(ebp+8)]
mov eax, [(ebp+16)]
mov ax, [(ebp+20)]
mov al, [(ebp+24)]
mov ah, [(ebp+28)]

EDIT: same behaviour with %local, word and byte sizes are buggy

tested against the latest stable windows version
Code: [Select]
>nasm -v
NASM version 2.11.06 compiled on Oct 20 2014
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 01:09:54 PM by gammac »
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