Hello guys, I have just another problem. When I try to get the current cursor position with GetCursorPos and display the result with printf, only the x coordinate is shown. The y coordinate is zero. Where is my mistake? Code:struc POINT
.x_coord: resq 1
.y_coord: resq 1
extern GetCursorPos
extern printf
extern exit
global Start
section .text
sub rsp, 0x28
mov rcx, Cursor
call GetCursorPos
mov rcx, format
mov rdx, [Cursor + POINT.x_coord]
mov r8, [Cursor + POINT.y_coord]
call printf
xor rcx, rcx
call exit
add rsp, 0x28
section .data
Cursor: istruc POINT
format: db "Cursor is at (%u, %u)", 10, 0