Author Topic: segmentation fault core dump  (Read 10544 times)

Offline ravi0807

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segmentation fault core dump
« on: April 15, 2014, 04:03:18 AM »
this program is to
1 calculate string length
2 print reverse string
3 check palindrome

program gives segmentation fault after calculation string length
if i run only run Reverse procedure then also it gives segmentation error just after printing reverse string

it only run 1 procedure ....display its result, then hang there only till i press enter.After pressing enter it display Segmentation Fault core dump

Plz tell me which are the various condition that leads to segmentation fault
i even try to change registers then also having same error
Code: [Select]
section .data
length db 10,'length of string is::'
lengths equ $-length
msgp db 10,'palindrome'
msgps equ $-msgp
msgnp db 10,'not palindrome'
msgnps equ $-msgnp

section .bss
str12 resb 20
str1 resb 20
str1s equ $-str1
result resb 3
resv resb 20
resvs equ $-resv
len resb 6

%macro print 2
mov eax,4
mov ebx,00
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h

%macro read 2
mov eax,3
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h

section .text
global _start

read str12,20
dec eax
mov [len],eax
mov ebx,eax
call disp
print length,lengths
print result,2

read str1,20
dec eax
mov [len],eax
mov esi,str1
mov ecx,[len]
add esi,ecx
dec esi
mov edi,resv

mov al,[esi]
mov [edi],al
dec esi
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz again

print resv,10


mov esi,str1
mov edi,resv
mov ecx,[len]

pln:mov al,[esi]
cmp [edi],al
jne ntp
inc esi
inc edi
loop pln

print msgp,msgps
mov eax,1
mov ebx,1
int 80h
ntp:print msgnp,msgnps
mov eax,1
mov ebx,1
int 80h

disp:mov ecx,04
mov esi,result
ck:rol bl,4
mov al,bl
and al,0fh
cmp al,09
jbe dn
add al,07h
dn:add al,30h
mov [esi],al
inc esi
loop ck
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 05:27:56 AM by Frank Kotler »

Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: segmentation fault core dump
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2014, 07:01:13 AM »
Please use "code tags". The word "code" in square brackets at the start of your code and "/code" in square brackets at the end. Makes it easier to cut and paste. :)
Code: [Select]
section .data
length db 10,'length of string is::'
lengths equ $-length
msgp db 10,'palindrome'
msgps equ $-msgp
msgnp db 10,'not palindrome'
msgnps equ $-msgnp

section .bss
str12 resb 20
str1 resb 20
str1s equ $-str1
result resb 3 ; only three bytes, but you write 4 to it!
resv resb 20
resvs equ $-resv
len resb 6

%macro print 2
mov eax,4
mov ebx,00 ; stdin!
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h

%macro read 2
mov eax,3
mov ebx,1 ; stdout!
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h

section .text
global _start

read str12,20
dec eax
; what if the pesky user didn't enter anything?
; gonna loop a lot of times!
mov [len],eax
mov ebx,eax
call disp
print length,lengths
print result,2

read str1,20
dec eax
; what if the pesky user didn't enter anything?
; gonna loop a lot of times!
mov [len],eax
mov esi,str1
mov ecx,[len]
add esi,ecx
dec esi
mov edi,resv

mov al,[esi]
mov [edi],al
dec esi
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz again

print resv,10


mov esi,str1
mov edi,resv
mov ecx,[len]

pln:mov al,[esi]
cmp [edi],al
jne ntp
inc esi
inc edi
loop pln

print msgp,msgps
mov eax,1
mov ebx,1
int 80h
ntp:print msgnp,msgnps
mov eax,1
mov ebx,1
int 80h

disp:mov ecx,04 ; result is only 3 bytes!
mov esi,result
ck:rol bl,4
mov al,bl
and al,0fh
cmp al,09
jbe dn
add al,07h
dn:add al,30h
mov [esi],al
inc esi
loop ck

Curiously, writing to stdin and reading from stdout works. That's not your problem. What if the pesky user just hits "enter"? (you didn't prompt us!)  sys_read returns 1, you decrement that and put it in "[len]". Then you put that in ecx and decrement it until it becomes zero (again). Long before that you run off the end of your allotted memory and segfault. I don't know what you want to do about this. Spank the user and make 'em enter it again? Assume user is done and just jump to exit? (that's what I did to test it) There's a "jecxz" instruction you could use to skip the loop if ecx is already zero. Do something!

There may be more, but that's all I saw on first glance. The actual "work" seems to be pretty good. "A man a plan a canal Panama" is not a palindrome because of the spaces, and "case" (it's a little too long, also). Would you want to "improve" your program to handle that? Get the "simple" version running first, I guess...
