Check this out or fall on my sword! Joke.

This is something: "Experimental Project Manager 1" or "Manage files using nodes" or <insert your text here>.

Created Experimental Project Manager 1, that eliminates
scrolling, for example,
when code file reaches about thousand lines,
scrolling and finding a needed place in that file takes time,
scrolling makes it
annoying, so, this is first attempt to solve a problem.
A different way to structurise a code,
whole project is using nodes (dynamic data structures: linked list), custom made treeview node control.
run time video on youtube, named:
Win64 Experimental Project Manager 1 by Encryptor256 using NASM GoLinkSee,
"runtime" screenshot file, attached to this post, named: "projectmanager1.JPG".
See, "Project Manager 1",
source files, attached to this post, named: "win64_experimental_project_manager1_by_encryptor256_nasm_golink.zip".
In runtime video and screenshot you can see how i create Helloworld basic example.
In runtime video you can see, how i save and export Helloworld.asm node to file and what is the result file contents.
Further development of "Project Manager 1" at current environment is impossible(more like
(annoying+unpleasant)^999), too much
scrolling and project doesn't have a structure.
BUT, it is possible to use "Project Manager 1" to create something better, like "Project Manager 2", because, now, all code is structurised.
It might take time to update nodes, but in larger scale, it becomes even easier, because all code is managed, separated into nodes and subnodes.
Well, some things left unfinished for further development,
like, implementing compile manager, where node export product is passed to nasm.exe, then
read,parse all what nasm.exe has to say, like error, warning messages, then find,
select appropriate node, where error or warning has happened.