can confirm we are not supporting x64 struct alignment properly.
Thanks, for the confirmation, now we know, officially, that there is small problem.

The problem with MSG.message is that...
MSG.message on Win64 remains 32bit, other members,
like hwnd, wParam, lParam are now 64bit, because,
they are pointers or they can hold a pointer,
for example WM_CREATE message delivers CREATESTRUCT pointer into lParam.
Well, we can say what ever we want, but we cannot deny the truth - The Problem Might Be The Whole Microsoft Windows.

Also Intel processors! Why do we have to support very very old CPU types, backward compability, come on!, let's fly with the wind and go forward in time!
Let's cut old cpu support and old Ms Windows base and go with acceleration!
Q: What's wrong with you, why are you insulting Intel and Microsoft?
A: I'm not! Intel, Microsoft and others, ... They are just a business!
Solution to structure alignment.
I think Win64 is built on C, so we have to learn, how C aligns structures (according to BITS),
then implement new nasm.exe command switch, something like: "-cstruct", which means,
when ever compiler finds structure, which starts with "struct" definition, then it aligns
the structure according to C rules, + according to __BITS__ too, so,
"-cstruct" + BITS 32 : defines structures and aligns them on 32 bit boundaries.
"-cstruct" + BITS 64 : defines structures and aligns them on 64 bit boundaries.
Q: Why do we have to support C structures in NASM?
A: Why not! NASM is built on that C\C++ thingy too, so, why couldn't we!

NASM switch "-s": redirect error messages to stdout.
NASM switch "-se": send output to email.
NASM switch "-sc": call me, when compile is done