; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;
This is: Win64 Get ip address by name NASM, GCC, GOLINK.
; Author: J.K. Encryptor256
; Date: November 24, 2013
; Why: Why not!
; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;
Description:; Initialize network library.
; Get ip address from name.
; Print result.
; De-Initialize network library.
; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;
; 1. NASM: (
; "The Netwide Assembler, NASM,"
; "is an 80x86 and x86-64 assembler designed"
; "for portability and modularity."
; 2. MINGW64-GCC: (
; "Mingw-w64 delivers runtime, headers and libs for"
; "developing both 64 bit (x64) and 32 bit (x86) windows"
; "applications using GCC and other free software compilers."
; 3. GoLink: (
; "Jeremy Gordon's Go Tools for Win32 and Win64:"
; "assembler, resource compiler,"
; "linker, debugger and information"
; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;
; 1. NASM.EXE:
; "-f win64 main.asm -o main.obj"
; Output size: 3.07 KB (3,148 bytes)
Choose your linker:;
; 2. GCC.EXE:
; "main.obj -m64 -o main.exe -lWs2_32"
; Output size: 47.3 KB (48,463 bytes)
; 3. GoLink.EXE:
; "/entry main /console main.obj MSVCRT.dll Ws2_32.dll"
; Output size: 2.50 KB (2,560 bytes)
; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;
Code section contains:; 1. Procedure: main - entry point
; 2. Procedure: netInit
; 3. Procedure: netDeInit
; 4. Procedure: netGetIpByName
; -----------------------------------------------------------;
; Procedure: netGetIpByName
; RCX - name.
; RDX - name len.
; Usage:
; ...
; txt_name: db "www.google.com",0
; txt_name_len equ ($-txt_name)
; ...
; mov rcx,qword (txt_name)
; mov rdx,qword (txt_name_len)
; call netGetIpByName
; jc .quit
; mov rcx,rax
; call inet_ntoa
; mov rcx,rax
; call printf
; Returns ip4 address into RAX (sockaddr_in.sin_addr).
; Set's carry flag on error.
; Clear's carry flag on success.
; -----------------------------------------------------------;
align 8
; Early check
xor rax,rax
cmp rcx,rax
je .earlyquit
cmp rdx,rax
jne .proceed
; Save arg
mov qword [rsp+8*1],rcx
mov qword [rsp+8*2],rdx
; Create stack
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
push rbx
push r12
push r13
lea rsp,[rsp-(8*5)]
; 1. Save regsiters
; Save src name address
; Save src name len
mov rbx,rcx
mov r12,rdx
xor r13,r13
; 1.1. Allocate memory
mov rcx,r12
add rcx,byte (1)
call malloc
jc .quitError
; Save dst name address
mov r13,rax
; 1.2. Copy src name into dst name buffer
mov r8,r12 ; rcx - len
mov rdx,rbx ; rdx - src name address
mov rcx,r13 ; rax - dst name address
call memcpy
; 2. getaddrinfo
lea r9,[rsp+(8*4)] ; Reference
xor r8,r8
xor rdx,rdx
mov rcx,r13
call getaddrinfo
; 2.1. Check against zero, means -> success:
xor rdx,rdx
cmp rax,rdx
jne .quitError
; Check result
xor rax,rax
mov rbx,qword [rsp+(8*4)]
cmp rbx,rax
je .quitError
mov rbx,qword [rbx+addrinfo.ai_addr]
cmp rbx,rax
je .quitError
mov rbx,qword [rbx+sockaddr_in.sin_addr]
cmp rbx,rax
je .quitError
; Set error indicator
mov r12b, byte (0)
jmp .quit
; Set error indicator
mov r12b, byte (1)
; Release dst name:
xor rax,rax
cmp r13,rax
je .releaseDN
mov rcx,r13
call free
; Release reference:
xor rax,rax
mov r13,qword [rsp+(8*4)]
cmp r13,rax
je .releaseRef
mov rcx,r13
call freeaddrinfo
; Check for error
cmp r12b, byte (0)
je .onSuccess
; Set error
jmp .finalize
; Set return value
mov rax,rbx
; Set success
; Clear stack n quit
lea rsp,[rsp+(8*5)]
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbx
pop rbp
This output is produced by main.exe file:
[code begin]
[code end]
Added attachment, named: "WIN64_GETIPBYNAME_NASM_GCC_GOLINK.zip", contains a source file, "main.asm".
Video demonstration: Watch full source code and runtime video on youtube, named:
Win64 Get ip address by name NASM GCC GOLINKBye, Encryptor256!!!