Yes, you can, in NASM.
extern YourProcedure
call YourProcedure
You need to pass a library file to linker, so, it can find your procedure there.
x64 example, compile script:
nasm.exe -f win64 program.asm -o program.obj
golink.exe /entry main /console program.obj yourlibrary.dll
I have seem some examples, like calling printf/scanf from NASM using a 'extern' directive, but I need to call from a NASM program some functions which are not part of standard libraries but are contained in the 'cv.h' 'highgui.h' libraries of OpenCV.
printf/scanf, it doesn't matter,
you have to specify a library where these procedures ar located, always.
The same thing for your custom or other procedures,
you have to specify a library file, feed the linker,
where these, your procedures, are located.