I'm about as confused as I've ever been... lately, anyway... or maybe I've just now realized it...
What's the "specification" on this program, anyway? Jedi expresses it as "convincing" the computer that something is something it's not. This isn't likely to be possible. The computer doesn't "think" much. The computer works with bit patterns, we're the ones who "think" it's a "number" (signed or unsigned?) or an ascii or unicode "character" or something else (flags register, for example). We provide instructions to manipulate these bits to treat 'em as a "character" or a "number" or whatever. Providing instructions to force the computer to do what we want is going to work better than "convincing" it.

Jedi provides:
data: db '6789'
What this puts in memory (expressed in hex for our convenience) is 36h, 37h, 38h, 39h.
Mathi starts out with:
mov ebx, 0x6789
What gets stored in memory here (in hex again) is 89h, 67h, 00h, 00h. This may be useful for what Jedi wants, I'm not sure. In any case, I changed the input to 0x1001 and I don't seem to be getting the expected results. I think I downloaded it pre-edit, so it might be okay now, but I don't know about this one, Mathi...
Jedi mentions unicode. I don't know much about unicode. I understand it provides a standardized mapping between a number and the glyph it represents. I understand that the number in question can be encoded in different ways - UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32... others? ... but a certain number will always refer to the same glyph. The glyphs we use to represent numbers we learned from the Arabs - '0', '1' etc. If you need to be able to handle some language (Mayan calendar?) that used a different set of glyphs, you'd want unicode. I don't see anything in your code that's going to handle unicode. As I recall, in UTF-8 encoding at least, the ascii characters will work without any special treatment. I'd suggest "forget unicode" until/unless you really need it. I plan to!

If the "specification" is simply "input a string of characters representing a decimal number and print the hex equivalent", that isn't too difficult. Convert the text to the number it represents using the algorithm Rob shows, and then convert the number into text representing hex... and print it. The only difficulty I see here is that if you tell the pesky user "a decimal number" they'll, sure as shootin', put a decimal point in it. I don't think an attempt to convert it "digit by digit", either characters or numbers, will be easy - the "carry" comes in the wrong places.
Converting hex text <-> number involves multiplying/dividing by 16... which we can do with shifts. We also have "rol"/"ror", which can be handy. Converting decimal text <-> number, we get into that situation where we get the digits in the opposite order than we want to print 'em. For hex, a "rol" by four will put the high bits we want to print first in the low four bits - right where we want 'em to isolate 'em, convert 'em to character, and print 'em first... Just a thought...
If we need to convert both dec->hex and hex->dec, can we make the user enter a hex value as "0x..." or "...h", assuming decimal otherwise, or do we want a "menu" where they can specify which way to convert? Can ya clarify the "specification" any, Jedi?