I am not sure for which OS you are trying to do this.
For 32 bit linux this should help.
;;Assemble and link with
;nasm -felf32 log.asm
;gcc -o logtest log.o
global main
extern scanf
extern printf
message1: db "Enter the first number(X): ", 0
message2: db "Enter the second number(Y): ", 0
formatin: db "%f", 0
formatout: db "Result - Logx(Y) = %f",10, 0
number1: dd 0 ;
number2: dd 0 ;
constantone : dd 1.0 ;; Beware 'dd 1.0' is different from 'dd 1'
section .text
push message1
call printf
add esp, 4
push number1 ; address of number1 (second parameter)
push formatin ; arguments are pushed right to left (first parameter)
call scanf
add esp, 8
push message2
call printf
add esp, 4
push number2 ; address of number2
push formatin ; arguments are pushed right to left
call scanf
add esp, 8
fld dword [constantone] ;; st0 = 1.0
fld dword [number1] ;; st0 = number1 , st1 = 1.0
FYL2X ;; st0 = log2(number1)
fld dword [constantone] ;; st0 = 1.0 , st1 = log2(number1)
fld dword [number2] ;; st0 = number2 , st1 = 1.0 , st2 = log2(number1)
FYL2X ;; st0 = log2(number2) , st1 = log2(number1)
fdiv st1 ;; st0 contains log2 of number2 , st1 contains log2 of number1 . so we can calculate st0/st1.
fstp qword [esp-8] ; store it in a 64 bit location
sub esp,8 ; adjust stack. because 'push qword' is invalid in 32 bit architecture
push formatout
call printf
add esp,8+4 ; 8 bytes for the float parameter and 4 for the formatout address.