Is db not a byte only? (define byte)?
Yeah... maybe "define byte or bytes" would be more accurate. Anything enclosed in quotes is taken as a list of bytes. You could also do:
my_byte_array db 0, 1, 3, 5, 42
another "list of bytes". Using a single number that exceeds byte size...
foo db 345
is probably an error, but Nasm will assemble it (just the low byte) with just a warning.
In Nasm syntax, the unadorned variable name - "message" - is the address (an "immediate" value). Masm (AoA) would call it "offset message". In Masm syntax, just "message" refers to the contents of memory at that address - 'H', or possibly more bytes - Nasm uses "[message]" to refer to "[contents]"...
mov dx, message ; address - Masm would need "offset"
mov al, [message] ; 'H'
mov eax, [message] ; "Hell" :)
(only one of the instances of "Hell" you'll encounter)