Ok, lets try a different approach... when in Rbil the finding of scroll up and down was noted. however when
segment .data
msg db " it works ", 13,10,'$'
segment stack stack
resb 2048
segment .bss
hirw resw 1
hicl resw 1
lwrw resw 1
lwcl resw 1
atrb resw 1 ; tribute 4 blanking
segment .text
mov ah, 12h
mov [atrb],bh
int 10h
mov ah, 11h ; get window
mov [hirw],ch
mov [hicl],cl
mov [lwrw],dh
mov [lwcl],dl
int 10h
mov ah, 6h
mov al, 0h
mov bh, [atrb]
mov ch, [hirw]
mov cl, [hicl]
mov dh, [lwrw]
mov dl, [lwcl]
int 10h
mov ah, 10h
mov ch, [hirw]
mov cl, [hicl]
mov dh, [lwrw]
mov dl, [lwcl]
int 10h
xor ax,ax
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov ax, stack
mov ss, ax
mov sp, stacktop
; main controlling code
extra code
this also shrinks the command prompt set at 130 by 58 for usability of personal reasons. Now Ive looked at monitor tables, VxD tables, and so on and Im lost on which direction to look next.
My goal in this is to find a way of making programs that everyone can use, not just me.
can you give a polite shove in a direction to look next?
but I say thanx for your help so far