Hi bugbyte,
I *know* I've got code around to get/set VSN... my "C" drive has a serial number of "0BAD-F00D" (forgot to save the "right" number before I changed it!)... but I can't find that particular code at the moment.
At first, I read your question as "volume label", which can be found with a simple "findfirst" with the attribute set to 8. But that won't get you the serial number. I guess you use get/set diskinfo - int 21h/69h - to get that...
Here's something I found that may help...
org 100h
segment .data
drmsg db ' Which Drive (a,b,c...)? $'
vlmsg db " Volume Label: $"
fsmsg db " File System Type: $"
snmsg db ' Serial Number: $'
crlf db 0Dh,0Ah,'$'
segment .bss
diskinfobuf resb 19h
segment .text
mov ah,9h
mov dx,drmsg
int 21h
xor ax,ax
int 16h
sub al,'a'-1
mov bl,al
mov ah,9h
mov dx,crlf
int 21h
sub al,al ; al=0 get, al=1 set serial # (and vl?)
mov ah,69h ; get disk info
mov dx,diskinfobuf ; ds:dx points to buffer to rec'v info
; (ds should be all set in a COM file)
xor bh,bh ; bl=drive 0=default,1=A: ,etc.
; bh="info level" ??? - 0 for dos
int 21h
jc exit
mov ah,9h ; spew "volume label"
mov dx,vlmsg
int 21h
mov si,diskinfobuf+6 ; offset 6 into the buffer
mov cx,11 ; 11 bytes of volume label
int 29h
loop showvl
mov ah,9h ; spew a carriage return
mov dx,crlf
int 21h
mov dx,snmsg
int 21h
mov ax,[diskinfobuf+4]
call word2hex
mov al,'-'
int 29h
mov ax,[diskinfobuf+2]
call word2hex
mov ah,9h
mov dx,crlf
int 21h
mov dx,fsmsg ; and "file system"
int 21h
mov si,diskinfobuf+011h ; 17 bytes into buffer
mov cx,8 ; 8 bytes of file system
int 29h
loop showfs
mov ah,4Ch ; later...
int 21h
; From:
qscgz@aol.com (QSCGZ)
; word2hex - call with word in ax
; buffer in di,if you like - rets unterminated string!
; trashes ax,bx
mov bx,ax
shr ax,12
call nyb2hex
mov ax,bx
shr ax,8
call nyb2hex
mov ax,bx
shr ax,4
call nyb2hex
mov ax,bx
and al,Fh
cmp al,10
sbb al,105
int 29h
; stosb ; if buffered