Hi Evenbit!
Try "tar -xf hla.tar.tar"... although "tar.tar" doesn't sound right... I find that the "-" isn't actually needed with tar(!). To get hla installed... as root... "cd /", "tar zxf /wherever/you/put/hla.tar.gz" - worksforme.
Now rpm... to be honest, I've never installed Nasm from RPM. Just for you, I gave it a shot... Without being root, I get an "access denied". As root, a bunch of "failed dependencies" about libc.so.6 (guess I'm only up to 5). So forget that - back to the old way!
I download the source package - either .gz or .bz2 - just into my "home" directory. Then "tar -zxf (or yxf for .bz2 - throw in a "v" for verbose, but "f" must be last!) nasm-0.98.39.tar.gz". Then "cd nasm-0.98.39", "./configure" (now, for '39 only, you'll need to edit Makefile and remove the "std=c99"), "make", then, as root, "make install". Done! "cd doc", "make" for the docs - much smaller d/l than getting the docs "pre-made" from the website!
That's how I've always done it - and apparently how I *have* to do it until I get that much-needed upgrade done :) If "rpm" isn't working for you, maybe some variation on that will help...