Author Topic: Tetris and Win32 examples  (Read 30281 times)

Offline avcaballero

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Tetris and Win32 examples
« on: August 30, 2010, 06:32:59 AM »
Hello, I have tried to upload a zip file, but I couldn't, anyway, you can download from my website if you are interested in, following this two links:


Win32 examples:


Offline Frank Kotler

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Re: Tetris and Win32 examples
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 01:25:46 PM »
Hi Alfonso,

I don't know why you can't attach a file... well, maybe I do... Keith has got the AsmCommunity board set so that uploads are disabled for the first five posts (to discourage spam). This board may be the same(?). You're up to four posts - try a couple more, and try it again.

I'll try to attach your Tetris example... seems to have worked(?). This is for a .com file... not too "modern", but a great format to learn assembly, for those who can use it (IMO). The latest "improved" Win64 versions have forgotten how to do it...

The Windows examples look excellent! I speak/read only English (Not my fault - I'm American - we don't even know there *are* other countries...). I'm particularly interested in the "Botones con doble imagen" example. If I click on the boxing glove, do I get to tell the politician something? :) Here in the "Land of the Free" (*cough*), we have the right to tell our politicians anything! They apparently have the right to ignore us completely. Pretty much the same everywhere, I suspect. No Nasm version of this one? Bummer, I really could use it! Might even be worth installing Windows for. :)

I didn't see a .zip file with all of the examples (maybe I just missed it), or I would have uploaded that for you. But try it again on your fifth or sixth post (dunno if it's "ja" or "jae")... If it doesn't work... we'll find a way. We need examples! Thanks!


Offline Rob Neff

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Re: Tetris and Win32 examples
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2010, 01:50:58 AM »
Bummer, I really could use it! Might even be worth installing Windows for. :)

LOL...Somewhere in hell Satan is wondering..."Is it snowing down here?"  :P

Offline avcaballero

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Re: Tetris and Win32 examples
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2010, 07:09:09 AM »
Thank you, Frank for watching it.

I'll try it again.

I have *tried* learning asm programming for some years and I was taking notes in the process. As a result I have completed a *book* or a compendium of structured notes, which are all my website:

"Abre Ojos Ensamblador" means "Open your Eyes to Assembly", excuse me, I do not want to be pretentious, but it is sometimes difficult to choose a name for something.

Anyway, these two examples belongs to AOE, but you can find more examples: graphics examples, list examples (queues, stack, tree, etc.) interrupt,... and a space invaders example:

I'm sorry for share COM examples, but these are part of my learning process, and I think it would be interesting to learn.

I'm from Spain (Europe, you know), democratic land too, but with the same politicians, I presume. The politician example was a joke ... especially now that they spent our money on *our behalf*. It is good practice to use the boxing glove against stress... ha ha ha.

Unfortunately no NasmX version of this program because I had problems to paint pictures on the buttons. I think there's a new version, I will try it again as soon as I can.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 07:17:16 AM by avcaballero »