Author Topic: sprintf_s plus printf  (Read 2489 times)

Offline alCoPaUL

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sprintf_s plus printf
« on: May 15, 2024, 09:22:14 PM »
Code: [Select]
;r9 //      sprintf_s + printf
;r8 //      by alCoPaUL [GIMO]
;rdx //         5/15/2024
;rcx //    Brigada Ocho [b8] Productions
;call // rax
global m
extern printf
extern sprintf_s
section .text
m:sub rsp,28h
lea r8,x
lea rdx,i
lea rcx,b
call sprintf_s
mov r8, rax
lea rdx,b
lea rcx,i
call printf
add rsp,28h
section .data
x:db 'Revelation 13'

Full file attached with the msvcrt.lib for win64asm..